Torah Or Vayechi Chachlili #3
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Sergey Shevchuk
This text-based class, the fourth and last in series, in Torah Or Vayechi Maamar Chachlili was given by Rabbi YY Jacobson on Friday, Parshas Vayechi, 17 Tevet, 5781, January 1, 2021, live from Rabbi Jacobson's home in Monsey, NY.
Torah Or Vayechi Chachlili #3
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Sergey Shevchuk
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Anonymous -4 years ago
The gemara in kesuvos says (111b) לבן שנים מחלב ... דאמר ר' יוחנן טוב המלבין שינים לחבירו יותר ממשקהו חלב the siman one has reached the level of ahavas tanugim is that he is aligned perfectly with hkbh that the ahava has hispashtus throughout all his aveiram that it naturally overflows the ahava to others
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Sarah Goldberg -4 years ago
We must chew up the food to separate the parts so its fully usable
But, there are people in a coma unable to chew, unable to separate and fully utilize the beneficial parts of the food.
Perhaps we are a comatose generation.
With a comatose patient, we take a liquefied form of beneficial nutrients and inject it directly into the comatose patient via intravenously (directly into the blood bypassing the gi system).
Perhaps today we need the pure extract of ruchnious nutrition directly injected into our blood, our life-force.
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Sarah Goldberg -4 years ago
We must chew up the food to separate the necessary parts
From the unnecessary waste parts. needs no chewing. It is all good, all necessary and all pure.
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Sarah Goldberg -4 years ago
Yakov blessed his son with the wine of Torah, the inner secrets
Although we know Avraham wrote Sefer Yetzira, and there was already a menorah of the inner esoteric parts of Torah, why did it take another millennium until the Rashbi wrote the Zohar and then another millennium plus until the Arizal, the Baal Shem Tov and the entire Chasidic lines afterwards to write down and disseminate the inner esoteric parts of Torah.
Is this comparable to the oral transmission of Torah Shem b'al Peh for a millennium until the Mishna was written, then another period of time until the gemora, then more time still until the shulchan aruch, and all the chazal until today?
Both the millenia long slow unpeeling onion of the revealed parts of Torah and the inner esoteric parts of Torah seem to marching along in parallel towards the ultimate time when its all unravelled and the innermost core and purpose abd meaning is obvious to us all.
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Sarah Goldberg -4 years ago
Drinking much wine causes bloodshot eyes
EYES enable us to see, to appreciate, to understand a thing. Without eyes it is obviously much more difficult to "see" and understand. "A picture is worth a thousand words" and to see a picture requires eyesight. So, the inclusion of "eyes" in the Bracha included the ability to see and comprehend. A great brocha.
BLOOD SHOT means the blood has come full force to the eyes. We know that the life of the living being is in the blood. Added together this means to use the gift and great ability of eyesight to see the true inner meaning and purpose of life, and not just the outer form, the chitzonious of the item seen by the eye.
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Sarah Goldberg -4 years ago
Many have the minhag to pause at "Posayach et yadecha..." and close and open their palm
As a segula for parnassa.
This seems so pedestrian and mundane compared to the definition taught here.
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Sarah Goldberg -4 years ago
The wine goes in, the secrets come out. The wine of Torah goes in, the secrets of Torah come out.
What are Hashem's "secrets"?
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Danny Bergson -4 years ago
Hashem secrets I believe is His unnowable essence which is [aradoxically experienced or at least "touched" through learning Torah with an authentic yearning
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Anonymous -4 years ago
end of mamar - after reaching the high level of ahavas taanugim one then brings down his level to lefarer/medakdek bemaasav a work of yegiah etc. The gemara in pesachim (10b)says מפני שדרכו של תינוק לפרר - in order to descend from the level of ahavas tannugim one has to be like a tinok which the derech is lefarer - to go back to the starting point to build the points within him that still need to be perfected -viewing himself as a tinok that there is still much work to be done not to be satisfied with the tanugim he has reached. ( could add מפני שאין דרכו של עכבר לפרר achbar not derech lefarer rather hides away - keeps and holds on to his madrega not searching for more)
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