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Women's Class with Q & A on Meron Tragedy
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Rabbi Asher and Dina Hecht in the loving memory of our grandmother Tonia Minkowitz, Tonna bas Peretz (Chein), in honor of her upcoming yartzeit on 26 Iyar. Yesod Shb’Yesod.
This weekly women's class was presented on Tuesday, Parshas Behar-Bechukosai, 22 Iyar, 5781, May 4, 2021, live from Rabbi YY Jacobson's home in Monsey, NY.
Women's Class with Q & A on Meron Tragedy
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Rabbi Asher and Dina Hecht in the loving memory of our grandmother Tonia Minkowitz, Tonna bas Peretz (Chein), in honor of her upcoming yartzeit on 26 Iyar. Yesod Shb’Yesod.
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Anonymous -3 years ago
Rabbi Jacobson:
I and several friends listened after Shabbos with great interest to the Rav's Youtube shiur entitled "Where Was G-d in Meron?" The Rav's observations were spot-on and well received, with the exception of stories about two of those who perished.
I refer to stories about the bochur who deceived his father regarding why he insisted on returning to Israel, revealing the truth only on the way to the airport; and the bochur who talked his father into sponsoring food for his friends by stating ominously "Hashem nosan V'Hashem lokach", the precise words said at the time of his own levaya a few days later.
Because these stories are rather unflattering, it is difficult to understand why the fathers would relate them to anyone. But I am even more puzzled as to why the Rav chose to share them with the listening audience. Was there something redemptive about these stories that I missed? If so, I would greatly appreciate if the Rav could clarify the to'eles of sharing these stories with us.
Respectfully submitted
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Rabbi YY -3 years ago
Thanks so much for your candid feedback and comments.
I repeated the stories for the same reason the father's shared them with me! They found them so telling of their unique quality of their children.
In the first case, it was obvious how this young man felt such a deep connection with Reb Shimon bar Yochai, Lag Baomer, and Meron. The father did not see it as "deception," but as his son's profound longing to be Lag Baomer in Meron. Of course, he wanted to go back and learn in the Mir. But he so longed to be Lag Baomer in Meron, by Reb Shimon. Obviously, there was a deep soul connection with Reb Shimon, as there was with the other 44 holy souls who died in the "arms" of Reb Shimon.
In the second case, this boy was a giver, loved feeding Jews, and loved feeding and taking care of other bachurim. When his father was apprehensive because of the credit car bill his son reassured him that it was Hashem's money, and whatever he spends he will get back. The father was beaming sharing with me about the generous spirit, the joy, the faith, the trust, and the pulsating life spirit of his beloved son.
Yes, I thought both stories were inspirational and meaningful, just as the fathers did.
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Ari -3 years ago
Moshiach now?
Dear Rabbi YY
Thank you for this wonderful Shiur.
I would like to ask two question please, (the first has basically already been asked here by others).
Question 1.
How can we be so sure that what happened at Miron is to be taken in such a philosophical manner? If it is discovered that allowing so many people to converge on such a small area is in itself an act of deliberate carelessness, then maybe Hashem is simply saying that it is like walking into the road, towards oncoming traffic and then trying to figure out why Hashem allowed the person to die?
Question 2.
I understand that the Rebbe said that the time is right for Moshiach to come now.
In fact yesterday I was reading from the Chofetz Chaim Al HaTorah on Parshas Bhar-B'Chukosi and I came across something very similar, in the notes #2 on
וכי תשיג יד גר ותושב עמך...
התחיל לתבוע מהקב"ה את החוב שהוא חייב לעם ישראל......כמה זמן עוד נחכה..עד מתי
My question is that how can you say we have already done Teshuva etc. and deserve that Moshiach should come now, when (besides looking at what we ourselves can improve on) if we look around, we can see many thousands of unaffiliated Jews who are still very far away from keeping Torah and Mitzvos as we are all commanded to do?
Many thanks for your time.
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c n halpern -3 years ago
I humbly suggest to listen to Rabbi YY exploring this topic in depth - fascinating!
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Anonymous -3 years ago
Thank you Rabbi Jacobson for your beautiful class, You really empowered me and lifted my spirits!!
You are a true source of inspiration for our generation!!
I bless you to go מחיל אל חיל
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Yehoshua Samuels -3 years ago
ואולי יש לומר שמפני זה נקראים "תולדות אהרון" בשעת ההדלקה...
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A Joseph, Jerusalem -3 years ago
Incredible story of how the elder Elchadad boy left this world
I went to the Elchadad shiva yesterday, and the father related the following: someone had come to the shiva earlier this week, to share with the family the last moments of their son, Yosef David, z"l. This man had been lying on the floor next to Yosef David, and was himself almost crushed to death. He had actually been pronounced dead, until later on when a hatzolo person noticed his hand move. He called over another hatzolo person to attempt resuscitation, and, BH, they were able to stabilize him. He was still in a serious state, and hospitalized, but he had discharged himself from hospital, in order to come to the shiva. He told the family that Yosef David had so inspired him in his last moments that he felt he had to come to tell them all about it.
He said that he was lying on the floor, crushed, with people on top of him, next to Yosef David. He heard Yosef David saying "Mizmor LeTodah." Then he heard him say, "Ribono shel Olam, someone is standing on my nose, and I can't breath. Thank You Hashem." This man turned to him and said to him, "Where are all the hatzolo people?! Why aren't they coming to help us!" Yosef David said to him - "Let's say Mizmor leTodah together." They said it together. Then Yosef David said to him, "Now let's say Shema." He said that Yosef David said "Shema Yisroel Hashem Elokeinu Hashem Echad" - slowly and sweetly, and after "Echad" he saw that Yosef David was no longer with him.
Yosef David Elchadad, z"l, was niftar in the midst of thanking Hashem. His father said, after he related all this - "We knew that Yosef David was a special boy, but we had no idea how special."
I'll say.
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Aviva Cohen -3 years ago
Why did we have Meron tragedy
Couldnt we say this disaster was our own fault!
It did not have to be
If only
If steps were repaired
Crowd control
Repair and reconstruct the place safely!
Everyone is at fault.
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Yitzhak Ben Tzvi HaLevi -3 years ago
I was bashert and it won’t matter how well repaired were the stairs, crowd control, etc.
Everything is in Hashem’s hands and done to his will.
Azoi G-t firt, azoi daf zain. Translation from Yiddish: How G-d does it, it should be.
Shabbat Shalom.
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Rephael -3 years ago
In support of what you so beautifully expressed about being silent at this poignantly overwhelming moment for our people and allowing ourselves to pay attention to the truth of interconnectedness, with a wide-open heart I'm sharing a personal story.
This past Shabbos, Boruch HaShem, I was in my shtiebl Shul (HaMaor in Johannesburg) learning the first ma'amar in Likkutei Torah on "Emor". For some strange reason my attention was drawn to the fact that that ma'amar ends on daf Lamed Gimmel - and this is Shabbos motzei Lag B'Omer! Now, in the very first line of daf 33a the Alter Rebbe quotes Iyov: "A'alephcha Chochmah... ".
As I frequently do, I flipped to the ma'arei m'komos to look up and clarify my understanding of this posuk and discern its context. It took my breath away to discover that the posuk is Iyov 33:33 and it mamash describes the "current state of the nation" (!)
Your words today helped me identify a profoundly resonant meaning in my experience. Thank you for all that you do for our people and the world. You're a breath of fresh air that is a necessary antidote to the toxic residue of Golus. Hafotzas HaMayonos in action. Thank you.
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bat sheva london -3 years ago
I just listened to your Tuesday's woman class. We have all needed such chizzuk from what happened. As you said we are all consumed with grief and it feels like we're all in a daze.....
Thank you so much for your chizzuk..I thought to add that the word ODOM that you spoke a lot about....the one odom that we jewish people are .....i think it interesting to note it has the same shoresh as the words you started off explaining... domayich and vayidom (aron) could be the connection between how we're called odom because we are the only people that are crying for people we don't even know... not being able to eat and sleep for people that some of us don't even know personally, yet we feel such a loss.. and that we Yiden have the intrinsic knowledge of being silent in the face of tragedy.
Two huge factors that i think have been so powerful and obvious in the wake of this tragedy. Watching the parents' emuna at the levayos and the shivas. They have no questions...they are all just saying HKBH I know this is for our good..
Which other nation has these unbelievable traits?I am sure there is a connection with the shoresh here.
Also Adam is 45 -- Mah.
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dinah -3 years ago
I just want to say thank you for the class today. After the events of the past few days, you could easily have canceled or avoided the magnitude of the subject - but you didn’t. I can’t imagine that it was easy on any level.
There is so much pain and confusion, it’s actually hard to absorb. Everyone is looking for something to hold onto. By allowing the hard questions to be asked, I am sure you've already brought some measure of comfort to many. It's important to be able to hear each other and have these conversations. I wasn’t able to stay for the whole thing, but I left with food for thought and more space in my heart and mind for another person.
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Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago
Some commented about a lack of unity
But look at all the different types of yidden at Meron that fateful night. Every type of yid was there. Abd there were korbonos from every type as well. They were united in life and in death
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Anonymous -3 years ago
Thanks for the Amazi g class.
I was surprised that you allowed for a women to get away with the statement Moshiach is not coming. Our job as jews even in 2021 is to believe. Since when do we have a say in what Hashem does? He owes us nothing. I don't want to minimize the pain but Emunah is tested at this time! To say He's not coming, Hashemi should come fetch us sounds very disrespectful and even more so out of place.
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Sara Metzger -3 years ago
Thank you!!
Thank you Rabbi, Very profound shiur!!
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Sara Metzger -3 years ago
Someone commented...
This is the most interesting discussion.. Its a reality that many wonder why its still going on.. Time for Hashem to respond..
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Sara Metzger -3 years ago
Someone asked...
There are many people who say this happened because we should do teshuva. We should make a din v cheshbon. I know the Rebbe said we should take action. What should we do?
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Sara Metzger -3 years ago
Someone commented...
Respectfully Rabbi, you told us about the story where the Jews all stuck together, I feel today the African Americans no matter where they come from are sticking together more than we are. Rabbis at our shuls need to continually address this issue. I am so sad about this. And I so feel Hashem is trying to tell us this.
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Sara Metzger -3 years ago
Someone commented...
So perhaps what needs to change is our response. The very definition of idiocy is to keep doing the same thing.
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Sara Metzger -3 years ago
Someone asked...
I don’t feel we are sticking together. There appears to be so much loshon harah. Have we not learned?
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Sara Metzger -3 years ago
Someone asked...
Why is everyone going nuts about the Miron tragedy and just a few months ago we couldn’t get people to stay at hoe and do safety measures to keep other people alive?
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Sara Metzger -3 years ago
Someone commented...
It was so difficult listening to my friends who are from a less frum community placing blame
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Sara Metzger -3 years ago
Someone asked...
How can we stop our own people placing blame on each other?
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Sara Metzger -3 years ago
Someone asked...
I thought that trying to understand Hashem and asking questions helps build our relationship with Hashem? Or is there an exception when trying to understand painfully unfathomable and tragic events?
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Anonymous -3 years ago
Dealing with nihilism
How does one get out of nihilistic behaviors and thoughts? I feel very perplexed over what is good and what is bad. I know that habits and routines can be very useful to stabilize ones life but where do I find the reason on why to go after these habits? I want to be productive but I constantly ask myself, why should I bother? Everything will be exactly as G-d wants it to be. No matter how much hishtadlut I do, I won't change something if it's ought to happen (or not happen) it will happen as G-d wants it. Where is my error?
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Sara barber -3 years ago
Wow...this was so inspiring and powerful!!
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Moshe Arya -3 years ago
Gematria of adam is also אדם = מה 45
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Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago
BDE. Is the tragedy of 45 korbonos in Meron
Any different than the death of a baby or child?
Than when Adam Harishon lost a son? When the yidden in mitrayim lost many relatives in the 80% loss in the plague of darkness? Than pogroms or the Holocaust? 9/11?
Ultimately, we have nothing to say. Words are inadequate.
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Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago
I read recently that the Rebbe said that when a yid is niftar
The neshoma gains a great aliyah, a release, an ascent. Those who remain down here if course grieve, mourn, and have the loss, the pain, and grief.
When the neshoma of the niftar sees those left behind suffering, then, VICARIOUSLY, to a certain extent it suffers too.
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Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago
Religious traditions of silence
A yid once went to live in a far eastern ashram where everyone took a vow of silence-except 2 words were allowed once a year.
After a year that he kept the vow of silence, he was called in and asked if he has 2 words to say. He answered "food bad"
The following year he was called in again and asked again. He answered, "Bed hard".
In the third year his response was "room cold".
They kicked him out because he was always complaining.
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Sara Metzger -3 years ago
Knowing that GD has HIS reasons...
Sometimes is still very difficult to be ok with.
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Sara Metzger -3 years ago
Seems Judasim is all about paradoxes
The more I learn, the more I read, the more I realize that this is true. Paradoxes everywhere, about everything, EVERYTHING. This has been one of the more challenging things for me to wrap my brain around. It's not necessarily getting easier, but I'm trying to accept it as fact. Maybe you can talk about this a liitle.
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