Lecture for Mental Health Initiative Chabad NJ
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Reb Mendel Zilberberg in the memory of Harav Akiva ben HaRav Avraham Binyamin Zilberberg, in honor of his yartzeit, 23 Tammuz.
Faith in Times of Anxiety - Address to Chabad of Montclair
Lecture for Mental Health Initiative Chabad NJ
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Reb Mendel Zilberberg in the memory of Harav Akiva ben HaRav Avraham Binyamin Zilberberg, in honor of his yartzeit, 23 Tammuz.
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Beverly Frank -2 years ago
Dear Rabbi Jacobson,
This lecture, Faith in times of Anxiety. Where can I find a Rebbe who inspires as you do? I am in deep pain and yearn to overcome.
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Beverly Frank -2 years ago
I can relate to your post. Rabbi YY Jacobson is so inspiring. I need to find HaShem. I too, am yearning for a Rebbe who can guide me out of this pain to find HaShem's guidance and love. Beverly/Bracha
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Tzipora Braff -3 years ago
Thank you.
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rivkee -3 years ago
Thank you, Rabbi YY, for your amazing spiritual contribution to the world. You make me feel so much less alone, because you speak my thoughts. Bless you and your family!
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Miriam -3 years ago
Amazing insight and so helpful.thank you so much . May you go from strength to strength.with much bracha and health
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מלך יוסף -3 years ago
הכל נכון מתי שנוגע אלי אני יכול להבין לנסות להיתמודד וללמוד מהנסיון ולא להיות קורבן או להיות בדיכאון או כעס אבל איך אתה יכול להסביר את זה לילדים שהם משלמים את המחיר במיוחד שהילדים קטנים וקשה להסביר או ללמד אותם שהם סובלים או שהם נמצאים במוסד שזה מצב טוב אני יכול לשלוט להיתמודד בכאב שלי איך אני יכול להתמודד עם הכאב שלהם איך אני יכול לענות להם שזה מצב טוב כשהילד או הילדה מתגעגעים לאבא מה שישימו את הגעגועים בצד רבי זה מצב שיימשך כשש שנים כשאצא משתמשת בילדים כמו שאמרת פעם כאילו זה שאני מתוך השיעורים איתך פיתחתי אולי בציניות כיפת ברזל בסוף מי שמיתפצץ זה הטיל
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Anonymous -3 years ago
Really good question, I think what would help are the tips that the Rabbi gives in his lecture, those being, us as adults helping children to see their worthiness and potential, their spark of G-d within them and their divinity no matter what they are going through and no matter their traumas. The next thing is to help them see and recognise their support networks and to help them get the right support when they themselves can't do it.
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Cyndi Rand -3 years ago
How does one join the Zoom, please? Thank you.
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Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago
"Faith in times of anxiety" implies that the general ambiance is one of anxiety
And then in the midst of that anxious ambiance we must find some faith, some emunah.
I object.
In my humble opinion we should have the attitude of those yidden in the holocaust, in communist Russia, in times of pogroms, etc., that is: the general attitude, the general ambiance should be one of faith and emunah. And in the midst of that emunah there might creep in a little anxiety.
True there are very severe situations like those immured in the rubble in Surfside right now. And many holy souls have been nifter lately...
But, if we compare the anxiety of Corona, of job loss, financial loss, vaccines, etc , our problems pale in comparison to those of our ancestors.
The title tonight should be "Anxiety in times of Faith".
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your friend -3 years ago
The greatest cause of your inner anxiety, Moshe, is refusing to give your wife a get. Shame, you can become a happier person.
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Melissa -3 years ago
I'm trying to attend Rabbi Jacobson's class on Faith in time of Anxiety but neither the link to the class nor the call in are working. Is there another way to attend?
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Rabbi Boruch Klar -3 years ago
Here are the participating Chabad houses. 1)Boruch Klar - Lubavitch Center of Essex County 2)Yaacov Leaf - Chabad of Montclair 3)Shlomie Segelman - Chabad of Hasbrouck Heights 4)Avraham Bechor - Chabad of Randolph 5)Avi Richler - Chabad of Gloucest
Tonight's Zoom Event is co-hosted by 9 local Chabad emmisaries in cooperation with Chabad NJ Mental Health Initiative. We are very excited about this opportunity! Thank you Rabbi Jacobson!
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