Chassidus: Likkutei Sichos Rosh Hashanah #3
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Chaim Block in loving memory of his parents, Leah bas Eliyhau Nachum - Yarzteit 25 Elul, Yitzchok Leib ben Chaim Aaron - Yartzeit 14 Tishrei
This class was presented by Rabbi YY Jacobson on Friday, Parshas Nitzavim, 26 Elul, 5781, September 3, 2021, live from his home in Monsey, NY.
Chassidus: Likkutei Sichos Rosh Hashanah #3
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Chaim Block in loving memory of his parents, Leah bas Eliyhau Nachum - Yarzteit 25 Elul, Yitzchok Leib ben Chaim Aaron - Yartzeit 14 Tishrei
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Leah Klein -3 years ago
So is free choice the deep knowledge of TRUTH and once you get it, theres no choice , theres only one way ...the TRUTH OF HASHEM AND HIS TORAH. I always understood that this is nishoma knowledge that we'll only acquire when we are divested of our guf upon our physical death. So if this state is indeed possible then I think we are operating like animals that have no choice... they operate by instinct as they are programmed within their DNA. So at the end if the day I still don't get bechira chofshis.
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Dini -3 years ago
Is the reason we say ‘yifchar lonu’ BEFORE the blowing of the shofar to emphasize that the bechira is even before the blowing of the shofar and not a reaction to it?
Thank you for such a clear elucidation of this sicha. Of course, no pressure to respond.
You explained this morning how when something is a reflection your truest self, it’s actually not even a choice (if I understood correctly). I don’t think I ‘choose’ to come learn. There’s just something deep inside that knows that this is what I have been searching for my whole life.
You’ve opened my mind and soul to a reality and consciousness that I didn’t have access to, or maybe to be more honest, dismissed - because I could not relate or understand it.
It is simply changing my life. I don’t know how else to express it.
So thank YOU again and again - for the gift and privilege.
May you be blessed.
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Isaac -3 years ago
Yes this is a very very good insight. (Though sometimes we do say that the very resolution to do a mitzvah is deemed as it was done already; a positive thought, say the sages, Hashem considered as done!)
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Anonymous -3 years ago
Technical difficulty. Out of sinc, although wonderful shuir, as usual.
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Anonymous -3 years ago
doesnt rambam in hilchos teshuva also mention prati ויעזוב כל אחד מכם דרכו הרעה ומחשבתו אשר לא טובה the same lashon of darko raah
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Anonymous -3 years ago
WHy is the remez in mikvaos not in hilchos teshuva if remez is above the mitzva etc?
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Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago
The Alter Rebbe got up early to blow Shofar to get his way in shomayim
Perhaps he should have gone to Fiji!
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Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago
Free choice, superficially and deeply
On the surface when faced with 2 or more choices, and we choose one ("and let.the other one ride") then we call that "free choice"
But....on a deeper level there is only one choice that connects with our essence. To opt for Hashem and Torah. To marry a certain person. Tp do a certain work. Etc.
So, ironically, what is normally thought of as free choice exists only superficially, because on the deeper level for matters of essence, there is no real free choice as we normally think of it.
This is true for us and even for Hashem. He reached into His essence and Created the world, chose yidden, gave the Torah and will bring Moshiach!
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Sara -3 years ago
Already having a challenge with
the concept of free choice, what it means, how to have it, do we really have it, is it when one chooses because GD really wants it or the person really does. This layer of free choice that you are describing makes free choice even more confusing (at least for me) and harder to believe it can really be achieved. .
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Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago
Free choice requires choices, obviously
Did Hashem have free choice to create the world? Did He have free choice to choose the yidden? Did Je have free choice to give the Torah? Does He have free choice when to bring Moshiach?
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Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago
Past. Present and Future
On Rosh Hashana we do teshuva for PAST aveirahs.
On Rosh Hashana we blow Shofar which a mitzvah for the PRESENT day of Rosh Hashana. It's not a mitzvah any other day.
On Rosh Hashana we coronate Hashem for the FUTURE year.
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Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago
Shofar accomplishes 3 things at once
1. It's a mitzvah dorita per se. The Torah says simply to blow, so we blow Shofar. Like eating matza regardless of deeper or other meanings or kavanas.
2. Kings are coronated with trumpets. So we coronate Hashem by blowing Shofar.
3. Shofar, being a cry from the depths triggers and stimulates teshuva.
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Sarah Goldberg -3 years ago
This comment made before it was reached in the maamer
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