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Is Having Guests More Stressful for Women?

The Talmud states that it is more difficult for women to enjoy her guests. Six explanations for this enigmatic Talmudic observation

40 min

Class Summary:

Is Having Guests More Stressful for Women?- The Talmud states that it is more difficult for women to enjoy her guests. Six explanations for this enigmatic Talmudic observation

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  • DK

    Dina Kushnir -1 year ago


    i learned this lesson today . 
    dedicated in a 

    loving memory of Rusya bat Daniel

    our dear mother . 
    she loved to host abd having guests. 
    may her memory be of a Blessing. 

    Kushnir's  family.

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  • A

    Avrohom -6 years ago

    Women more tuned in to guests

     I heard the class "How men and women deal with guests". The Rov said over the mazritcher Magid that a women is more tuned into the individual guests. I am trying to understand how we learn this from the discussion of "Kemach" or "soiles"

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    • Anonymous -6 years ago

      we learn it from the expression of chazal, עיניה צרה באורחין,
      her eye is narrow, narrows in on the guests

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    • RY

      Rabbi YY -6 years ago

      w​e learn it from the expression of chazalעיניה צרה באורחין, her eye is narrow, narrow in on the guests


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      • A

        Avrohom -6 years ago

        I sincerely appreciate your answer that the "LOshon" Tzoro" means tuned in. However I did not understand how Reb Yitzchok derived this from the  difference between "Kemach" and "soiles". Especially the way the regular "Rashi" learns it that she said "Kemach". However when I reviewed  it I realized that can only be said if she wanted "Soiles". Is this assumption correct?

        Nevertheless this Pshat gave me a better understanding of my wife and I sincerely appreciate your Shiurim. I also am moved by the fact that you answered my email. Hashem should give you the strength to continue your "Avodas Hakodesh"


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  • LE

    LEIVY EDERY -11 years ago


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  • EW

    Eduardo Weisz -12 years ago

    I believe there is trouble in Israel and that things will get worse. The women apartheid in Israel is not a matter of Halacha - it is a matter of Hidur Mistva. In short, it is comparable to a Corban Ola that G-d did not ask for. People should take a look at Yrmiahu in order to understand this issue ....

    More then ever, it is being shown that the term Haredi comes from the Tanach (Herda, on of the camping places in the desert where Bnei Israel was the victon of a plage)  instead of the sefer ha haredim.

    In short, when irat the neighbouhood rav takes the place of Irat Shamaim, Jewish people are in trouble. Damn Haredim! 

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  • ESE

    Esther Sarah Evans -12 years ago

    ב"ה b"H inyan: sounds of Shabbos



    additional comment - a couple of years later -

    Best heard by a blind man are the sounds of silence - e.g. by Hose Feliciano, who wrote "Listen to the Rain" that went through my head often this past Erev Shabbos in the rain, and then somebody just this Erev Shabbos had sent me an e-mail to draw my attention to a clip on You Tube - a clip called "The Sounds of Shabbos". If you print that in just as I have written on your browser, you will get it - and enjoy what is not what they call it - a Jewish parody on "The Sounds of Silence", but something quite beautiful - and catchy. You'll find yourself replaying it and singing it too. Now there is a problem perhaps with the line "Reform, Conservative or Orthodox" - for various reasons, including the fact that this still excludes a Sach' Yidden with no official "affiliation".  However, it is a starting point, and not a bad one at all.

    Another starting point might be this:

    As the Rebbe himself once pointed out, the difference between the gematria of Moshe and that of Moshiach is thirteen, which equals Echad. It is necessary for this to be internalized from below, and that is why the process takes centuries. I found it also interesting that the gematria of Slichah is one hundred and thirteen, and it is just that - HaShem's PARDON to Moshe Rabeinu - that would be necessary for HaShem to send him here to Eretz Yisrael and Yerushalayim - RIGHT NOW - to help prepare us for the final redemption, speed up the process a lot. If you take a look at Simon Jacobson's Wort called "The Stutterer" for this Parsha, you will read more about Moshe Rabeinu and the quality of his silence - his total caring for our people.

    Shavua tov. Kol tov.

    Esther Sarah and Halakha (my kitty)


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Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • November 2, 2009
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  • 15 Cheshvan 5770
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Dedicated by David and Eda Schottenstein in the loving memory of Alta Shula Swerdlov And in the merit of Yetta Alta Shula, "Aliya," Schottenstein

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