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The Day of the Breaking of the Ax

Six Strange Reasons for the Greatest Holiday of the Year—15 Av

1 hr 26 min

Class Summary:

This class was presented on Tuesday, Parshas Va'eschanan, 12 Av, 5782, August 9, 2022, at 18 Forshay, Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.


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  • Anonymous -2 years ago

    wonderful shuir , todah rabba Rabbi Jacobson,

    I heard this in the name of Rav Zev Leff Shlita, Re the famous  circle as described by the Rabbi  , it could also be the idea that as people move around in the circle , they take the place of others and see things from their perspective so this may allude to the time of Moshiach when eg Satmar Chossid experiences vantage point of Modern Orthodox and Chabad  Chossid experiences vantage point of Litvish etc etc and all see ‘aylu veAlu …’ and all equally beloved by and valid to Hashem . 

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  • A

    Aviva -2 years ago

    לכבוד הרב, 

    The shiur about Tu B’Av gave me chills and really impacted me.  The words you use paint vivid images of unity in my mind and make me want to cry. I envisioned kibutz galius to be a theme anchored while you were speaking of tribes rejoining, shidduchim being made, bodies returning, and communities coming together to work for each other. I thought of the shiur you gave on shir hamasalos when you said we don’t say tachanun. When you spoke about the tribe of binyomin I thought about how today we are at the dawn of such intolerance for protecting those who harm others.  Tu B’Av is not a holiday any Rabbi came out and said we should start taking seriously but as a generation we decided together to bring it into the light. You shiur gives people faith the Mashiach is right behind the door, waiting for us to welcome him in. The women in white going into the field, even the bat Melech who burrows clothing from the high priest,  seems to me like the perfect preclude to Elul, when The King Himself goes to the field to meet us as the year and world begins to rebirth. At the end of the shiur the a woman asked how we can trust Rabbis if they themselves fight as well. It was such a weird coincidence for me because I was just asking my husband how we can trust anything rabbis say when so many things they have taught us in school are wrong and harmful. For instance, for anger we need to work on our haughtiness , when really anger is about fear and sadness and how we were raised. Or how happiness is just a matter of choice, when really many need therapy or medication.  And the examples seem like they can go on for days…

     I think that עשה לך רב, doesn’t mean we need rabbis. I think it means we need to make ourselves rabbis. And anything that we acquire קנה  is nothing more than just a חבר. Although my husband said that it talks about in the gemara the process and consequences of when a kohen or judge makes a mistake ie to bring a Korban. He believes that mistakes of the rabbis are just part and accounted for in the system.  Can you give a shiur one day clarifying the weight of a rabbi in the Jewish community. To me it seems, without a distinct continuation to the Rebbe, and with so many prominent rabbis being revealed to be corrupt, it’s our generation that will bring the concept of a rav to the field. For everyone. 

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  • Anonymous -2 years ago

    LeChvod HaRav 
    Dear Rabbi Jacobson Shlita ,
    Todah rabba for the wonderful shuir on Tu Be’Av .
    So enjoyable and moving especially the story from Rabbi Lau Shlita . 
    Re the circle mentioned at the end of Taanis I think , it’s not my idea but I don’t recall where I heard this , but could it also be the idea that as people move around in the circle they take the place of others and see things from their perspective so maybe it alludes to time of Moshiach when eg Satmar chossid experiences vantage point of Modern Orthodox and  Chabad Chassid experiences vantage point of Litvish etc etc and all see ‘aylu veAlu …’ and all equally beloved by HKBH ? 

    Todah rabba meod meod,
    Bevracha shelaimah,
    ובכבוד רב

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  • E

    Emma -2 years ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    When you are forced into the world of goyim to judge you and your life, what possible attitude and strategy do you take to be successful and make a kiddush Hashem.

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Women's 15 Av Class

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • August 9, 2022
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  • 12 Av 5782
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Dedicated by Noi Meshchaninov in loving memory of לעילוי נשמת גיזלה גיטה בת נתן, my satva that passed away on 26 Tammuz 5782 

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