Tackling Taboos with Rabbi YY & Eli Nash #1
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Part One of a Three-Part Series with Rabbi YY Jacobson and Eli Nash discussing addiction, abuse, psychedelics, homosexuality, and more.
Tackling Taboos with Rabbi YY & Eli Nash #1
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Ellen -1 year ago
Very much appreciate your comment. I wish more people would pay attention to the fact that psychotropic drugs of any kind have ever been proven to work, and no one even understand how they truly work. You can't do scientific testing on these things, it would be unethical to experiment on the minds of human beings, so they just make up whatever they want in order to push these poisons into people. It gives people in the psychiatric profession the status of medical doctors (do some research, their drugs were created to compete with the success of pennicillin and other "miracle" drugs-but we now know that even antibiotics are causing problems). And bringing up suppressed memories has been debunked. People can "remember" anything if drugged and coached enough.
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Ellen -1 year ago
I'm glad you are admitting that it is fear making religious leaders flee from discussing the truth about sexuality. Leaders are so afraid to tell the truth, so afraid of not pleasing the powers that be, that they are literally cowing before what they know is not what pleases HaShem, what they know ultimately harms the individual and eventually all of society. Tanakh is full of the stories of the history of Israel, and what happens when we start to follow the nations instead of Torah. I pray the leaders will start to step up and lovingly, courageously, bring forth what is true, instead of making excuses and trying to win the approval of the world. There is a time when you stop trying to please everyone, when you stop obsessing over everyone's "feelings" and care more about their soul. If we seek the approval of HaShem above all other things, He will protect us. Baruch HaShem.
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Ellen -1 year ago
Everything you say is very true. I've worked in the field, and the use of drugs is counter-healing. But we have been trained, religious and non-religious, to practically worship anything that is called "science". Much "science" is not science at all, but contrived theories and opinions to promote the agenda of whoever is paying for the "scientic results". True science has a simple and basic proof model: accurately measurable results that can be repeated using very specific testing/experimental methods. There is very little you can materially prove with this method, so scientists mostly rely on a convenient word to cover that fact. They will say "evidence", not "proof", over and over again, until we think "evidence" is enough. Whatever they want to promote, they just say, "We have evidence to believe that so-and-so is so". And everyone sits up and listens and believes and follows, not realizing not only are these conclusions biased, but "evidence" is not PROOF. But again, we've been groomed to hear the word "science" or "scientist" and automatically believe whatever is coupled with that word.
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Anonymous -1 year ago
Thanks for bringing up this most taboo topic...
As as a spouse,wife, I can say.... The effects of being in a relationship where the husband is struggling...is terribly painful...the lack of openness...the fear to share...the effects of trauma...the shame of existence....the wife's deepest needs unmet....(and this is,when husband and wife are both in therapy trying to heal....)
Thanks for saluting for the brave wives (who don't know other women in same situation)...for believing in their husbands and knowing again and again that this behaviors is not who they truly are..
I'd love to hear more support for wives
Thanks again
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Anonymous -1 year ago
Hi Anonymous spouse
I am also a spouse of a struggling husband, and I would love to have more support as well.
If you know of anything, please post.
Sending a big hug and much koach!
And thank you Rabbi YY
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Anonymous -1 year ago
Thank you very much for this podcast.
is there a podcast on masturbation?
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Yosef Yitzchak Jacobson -1 year ago
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Kj -1 year ago
The same is true relating to the misuse and abuse of Governmental power and authority within a govt entity or with citizens.
As you can see, Gd has begun crushing all nations and govts now!
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Kj -1 year ago
This is how the little people fix illegal and unethical behavior of govt and religious entities, through the justice of the court of Gd with the power to destroy them and give them over to their enemies!
See those earthquakes, disasters, wars, etc.....sent from G-d for change!
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Kj -1 year ago
What do most people say when in fear, Oh Gd!
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Kj -1 year ago
Remember, to an unwitting child, abuse can be perceived as love, and they love in return, potentially enabling them to touch Gd in a way others cannot, creating an umbrella or covering over them that makes them survive, no?
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Kj -1 year ago
Remember, there is a difference between sexual drive and connective energy!
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Anonymous -1 year ago
After long wait...
Finally uploaded! Thank you!!!
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Anonymous -1 year ago
I do not have you tube access is there any way it can be watched?
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Admin -1 year ago
The video is uploaded & available now
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Anonymous -1 year ago
This is amazing, thanks you so much Rabbi YY and Eli.
If i may, i think that the first comment was crushed in an insensitive way, i understand that you wanted questions, but if it was anyway raised, this guy expected a hands up and recognition.
Thanks again.
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Anonymous -2 years ago
I want to add as well when you were talking about homosexuality and refer to it can be a result of trauma ...that is completely unacceptable in the secular world today. The fact of the matter is that the Torah forbids homosexuality and our present day society is immersed in the narrative that it is normal and needs no correction.
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Yitzchok Peter Gordon -2 years ago
I haven't listened to the podcast. I can say without a doubt homosexuality can be (not saying always) a result of deep unmet needs by the parent of the gender we are. I'm not saying Torah says it's ok. I'm saying same sexual attraction and sexual behavior can very much be a result of a yearning for the touch and binding we didn't get from a parent of our own gender.
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Ellen -1 year ago
There is a lot of truth to what you say. However, what is happening today is nothing new. Civilizations for thousands of years have embraced all kinds of behaviors that are not healthy or helpful to the individual or the society, but if it is a behavior that brings initial pleasure, people are going to find any excuse to approve it. Now that it our society says homosexuality and transgenderism is "completely normal and natural", more and more things are going to be called "completely normal and natural" by those who derive pleasure and have the political power and desire to defend what is giving them pleasure, whatever the cost to others. Pedophelia is now finding lots of supporters, political support, "scientific" support, "medical" support. And, of course, to support pedophelia you have to make sex with children "normal", too. So there are also more and more people who now think its "normal and natural" for children to have sex with adults and that they should now be given "sexual rights", as if they can even make an informed and mature decision for themselves about that. But we are tiptoeing around this because we are more afraid of losing society's approval than we are afraid of destroying adult's and children's individual lives, which leds to the downfall of the entire society as it did in history with great empires like Greece, Rome, Babylon, etc. We just don't learn from history.
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R -1 year ago
I found it facinating that Rabbi YY mentioned that when a proffessional researchist attempted to do researching and experiments on healing homosexuality he found himself under tremendous pressure from political groups to warn him away from any suggestion that homosexuality is changible . They denmanded that he must conclude that homosexualuty is like hight and is a biological fact . Rabbi YY even named the title of the book something like "Homosexuality and Politics" . This would explain the popular narrative that you referred to that healing homosexuality is unacceptible in the secular world .
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Anonymous -2 years ago
I am trying to understand how using psychedelic drugs is your answer. The use of these drugs are ridiculously dangerous. You may have seen breakthroughs of repressed memory but you take an unprecedented risk when you encourage the use of these drugs.... The risk you take is incalculable . Obviously there is always a risk profit analysis.. But having some experience with drug addiction I can tell you that it is dangerous dangerous dangerous to promote that kind of therapy
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Kj -2 years ago
Not a Scriptural remedy!
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Rabbi YY -1 year ago
Please see https://hopkinspsychedelic.org/
In addition, we will tackle it more fully in future convos.
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Kj -1 year ago
If Gd is Gd, can He not create the effect of the drugs for healing, if needed?
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Ellen -1 year ago
My comment to you was accidentally put on the top of this page. Hope you see it.
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Anonymous -2 years ago
Hi Rabbi. Validating to the core - my traumas were not for naught...Thank you.
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Shimshee -2 years ago
Question for Rabbi YY
How do i stop being motzi zera levatala
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Esther Teitelbaum -2 years ago
Question for Rabbi YY
1:How do we live with Bittul in a healthy way? How do we get our selfish animal soul on board to the concept of Bittul? 2: How can I trust that Hashem will give me what I want, if it’s possible that what I want might not be good for me, and therefore Hashem might not give it to me? 3: What is the Torah approach to struggles, how should we view them, how can we awaken our desire to be busy with what Hashem wants, when our own desires and needs completely overwhelm us? 4: What was Hashem thinking when He gave us the human drive for sex, and then forbids boys and girls to touch, and only get married after the age of 20 +? What are we supposed to do with it??? How can we stay sane through all of this?? 5: It says that everything Hashem created He created for His Glory. What does that mean? That sounds selfish, but that doesn’t make any sense, because Hashem is not selfish ח”ו. Or:” Hashem desired a dwelling in the lower realms”… that kinda sounds selfish too, but that’s not possible. So what does “ for His Glory” and “Dirah B’tachtonim” really mean?
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Farnaz -2 years ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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Anonymous -2 years ago
Must have Tech issues, Not Working
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CB -2 years ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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Admin -2 years ago
Yes it will be recorded
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Tzvi -2 years ago
Question for Rabbi YY
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MIRIAM -2 years ago
Question for Rabbi YY
I've listened to your interview with Eli Nash in the past and he spoke about being groomed as a kid by someone older than him. I'm wondering if he has any advice for adults or parents noticing such behavior with children. what can they do to stop it? how can they intervene without making matters worse. its obvious to the parent or adult what's going on. The kid/teen wont admit it though and blame innocent parties that have no part in it. Another delicate point, I believe that in most cases the bully was victimized and hurting too. other than just raising awareness and talking about private body parts being off limits to others, how can we as adults help them and stop the damaging behavior?
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