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The Shocking Truth about the Greatest Jewish Heretic

Elisha ben Avuya Traumatized His People—But When He Died, the Truth Came Out

1 hr 48 min

Painting by The Hungarian School, 19th Century

Class Summary:

This class was presented on Tuesday, Parshas Emor, 11 Iyar, 5783, May 2, 2023, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.

In the fourth chapter of the Ethics of the Fathers, we read the following Mishna: Elisha the son of Avuya said: One who studies Torah as a child, to what is he compared? To ink written on fresh paper. And one who studies Torah as an old man, to what is he compared? To ink inscribed on erased paper.

There are a few questions on this Mishnah. First, what’s the novelty? This is self-evident. Second, I can understand encouraging parents to teach Torah to their children when they are young and their minds are fertile. But what’s the point of the final clause in the Mishnah? If I am an elderly man or woman, and I never had the opportunity to study Torah, why would the Mishnah try to discourage me and make me give up before I even begin?!

Finally, there is something else amiss here. Of the more than one thousand Rabbis cited in the Talmud, only one became a heretic. His name was Elisha ben Avuya.  Due to this tragedy, his ideas and teachings are never quoted in the Mishnah. Save in this Mishnah. What happened suddenly? Why did this Mishnah decide to quote him? And why was this particular idea the one chosen to be conveyed to all generations in his name?

He was, by all accounts, one of the outstanding Jewish sages of the second century, a contemporary of Rabbi Akiva, and the teacher of Rabbi Meir, the leading scholar of his generation. Elisha moved so far from Jewish tradition that his colleagues stopped referring to him by his name but rather called him Acher, “the other”, the outcast, the renegade. Only his student Rabbi Meir remained loyal to the man who had once been his master, sought out his company, and still believed that he might one day repent.

Against this backdrop, we find a deeply moving scene in the Talmud. It is Shabbat, and Elisha ben Abuya is publicly desecrating the holy day by riding on a horse. Walking alongside him is Rabbi Meir. Heretic teacher and faithful disciple travel together along the road arguing and debating Jewish law. Rabbi Meir, the pious Jew, has become so immersed in the conversation that he has not noticed they are nearing the limits beyond which one may not walk on Shabbat. “Acher”, the apostate, realizes this and says: “Meir, turn back. I have measured the distance we have walked by the paces of my horse, and we have reached the Shabbat limit. Beyond here, you are forbidden to walk.

Meir replied: “You too turn back.”

“I cannot turn back,” says Elisha. “One day I was riding on my horse. It was Yom Kippur, which in that particular year fell on Shabbat. I was roaming behind the Holy of Holies, when I heard a heavenly voice saying: ‘Turn back to me, O lost children, except for Acher... ’”

What is the message of this story? That G-d indeed does not forgive all humans who want to repent? That some must truly be condemned forever? This would contradict a fundamental idea in Judaism that nothing stands in the way of repentance.

Furthermore, if G-d did not want Elisha to repent, why did He communicate with him at all? Why did the heavenly voice begin with words of love and encouragement “Turn back to me, O lost children,” and end with the fearful decree “except for Acher”?

This class will analyze the tragic story of Acher, the mysterious call to him on Yom Kippur, and his misinterpretation of it. We will explore the moments before his death, and why he had only one student who remained with him even after his betrayal of his faith. It will teach us about the pain and destiny of our own lives, how to view our own brokenness and wounds, and those of the people around us.

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  • יש

    ישראל ש -1 year ago

    שלום וברכה

    ותודה רבה

     "הייתי מוסיף שהגמ מספרת שאחר נכנס לביהמ"ד פגש ילד ובקש ממנו לומר לו פסוק שלמד והנער השיב "ולרשע אמר 

    ואחר "שמע" ולאלישע אמר דהיינו שזה מה שרצה לשמוע

    One hears what he wants to hear

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  • צ

    צבי -1 year ago

    שמעתי את השיעור על אלישע בן אבויה ורבי מאיר. רציתי רק להוסיף נקודה אחתכשאלישע בכה ברגע האחרון של חייו הוא חזר להיות התינוק שבוכה כשיוצא מרחם אימווהוא הפך להיות תינוק שכותב על נייר חלק ולכן אמר רמ דומה שמתוך תשובה נפטר.כי הוריד ממנו את כל הסיגים והלכלוכים שהפכו  אותו לאחר והוא שב להיות כביום היולדואבל הצער הגדול הוא שככבר לא יוכל לכתוב בדיו על הנייר כי הוא מת וגם זה חלק מצער התשובה של חרטה ויצא מן העולם והוא נייר חלק ונשמה טהורה.

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago

    Someone asked in your Tuesday Shiur about the meaning of מצפ"ץ. The Rashbam in Parshat Shemos 3,15 וזה זכרי talks about it

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  • LG

    Leah Goldfarb -1 year ago

    I very much enjoyed this shiur. I want to give it over this shabbos for pirkei avos but the source sheet seems to be incomplete and not contain all the sources. Is there a way u could receive the complete source sheet before shabbos in e"y? Thank you 

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    • A

      Admin -1 year ago

      Maybe refresh your page because now there is an updated more complete source sheet

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      • Anonymous -1 year ago

        Enjoyed the SHiur. Can you quote the source for the Arizal? The source sheet is missing a lot of sources. Thanks

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  • LL

    Leah Lawrence -1 year ago

    Thank you for this exceptional class, I went to a Jewish Day school and a seminary, however this is the first time I gained so much and it wasn't easy to pull together so much subject matter and sources, I even lost my place but heard some of it twice just to finish! Good Shabbos 

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    • YYJ

      Yosef Yitzchak Jacobson -1 year ago

      Thanks a million for your meaningful feedback and inspiration! Please share with others.

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  • A

    Adam -1 year ago

    Minor Administrative Comment

    Not a big deal at all but just noting that the words on the paroches cause the Rabbi to be just slightly out of focus. I believe that if there were no words behind the rabbi and possibly words on the Rabbi's clothing he'd be in focus !

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  • Anonymous -1 year ago

    with all due respect

    you transulated אגוז as wallnut, i think its a hazeltut, witch even suits better to the mashal you quoted


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    • YJ

      YY Jacobson -1 year ago

      Thank you. Why is the hazel a better metaphor?

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  • KS

    Kaila Stempel -1 year ago

    Question for Rabbi YY

    Can I ask some questions that I personally need answers to ?

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Women's Class Pirkei Avos Chapter 4

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • May 2, 2023
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  • 11 Iyyar 5783
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In memory of Rivka bas Shmuel, on her Yartzeit Yud Iyar, dedicated by her grandson Yitzchok Shlomo

Dedicated anonymously as zechut for a shidduch for myself, my siblings and for everyone who’s looking for their bashert

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