Women's Matos/Three Weeks Class/Vayeitzei/Vayeishev
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Dina Dornbusch with a call for Matir Asurim for our hostages.
This class was presented on Tuesday, 24 Tamuz, 5784, Parshas Matos-Masei, July 30, 2024, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.
Women's Matos/Three Weeks Class/Vayeitzei/Vayeishev
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Dina Dornbusch with a call for Matir Asurim for our hostages.
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Anonymous -6 months ago
Your women’s class this week is fire!!!!
So many thoughts comments realizations connections truths messages in my own life.
But more universally what came up for me was —-Gilad Shalit and how that exchange started a domino effect. Gilad we are STILL feeling.
What does it mean in light of the ghosts of past.
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Alter Egoz -6 months ago
"Sefer Bamidbar ends all the Torah stories and
Sefer Devorim is only Moshe's farewell speech". Really? What about the last few pesukim of Devorim that is about Moshe's passing? It was mentioned that there is no "grand finale" at the end of Bamidar. Surely Moshe's passing is such a relevant grand finale of the Book of the Torah of Moshe.
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Anonymous -6 months ago
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