Torah Or Ki Ka'asher #4
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Jonas and Candice Singer in honor of their grandchildren Eliana Itta and Gabriella Penina bas Devorah Shulamis, and Bayla Tzivia bas Sara BatSheva
This class was presented on Thursday, 6 Cheshvan, 5784, November 6, 2024, Parshas Lech Lecha, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.
Torah Or Ki Ka'asher #4
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Jonas and Candice Singer in honor of their grandchildren Eliana Itta and Gabriella Penina bas Devorah Shulamis, and Bayla Tzivia bas Sara BatSheva
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Anonymous -2 months ago
Thank you Rabbi YY.
If i could just ask a question...
The Rabbi kept emphasising the importance of devleoping one's inner worth throughout this series. When one is in touch with their true essense and understand their true worth, others cannot demean them with their words. The Rabbi also emphasised the importance of not being emotionally disconnected which can happen as a safety mechanism after one experienced hurt from others.
How does one know differenciate between having deep self-worth or being emotionally disconnected. When one suffers abuse or shame at the hands of others and does not experience deep emotional pain, this could be an indicarion of either great self-worth or terrible emotional disconnection.
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Anonymous -2 months ago
Will this class only be available through YouTube?
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