Dedicated by Adina Sash in honor of freeing all the agunas
Women's Chanukah/Miketz/Vayigash Class
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Adina Sash in honor of freeing all the agunas
This class was presented on Tuesday, 30 Kislev, the sixth day of Chanukah, 5785, December 31, 2024, Parshas Vayigash, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.
The Midrash describes an odd detail in Greek persecution of the Jews during the time of the Chanukah story: The Jew’s were forced to write a renunciation of their faith on the ‘horn of an ox.’ What on earth did the poor ox have to do with this sorry chapter in Jewish history?
Pharaoh is mesmerized by Joseph's wisdom. "Can there be another person who has G-d's spirit in him as this man does?" Pharaoh asks his advisors. "There is none as understanding and wise as you," he says to Joseph. "You shall be over my house, and according to your word shall all my people be ruled; only the throne I will make greater than you."
Pharaoh says to Joseph: “I am Pharaoh; yet without you, no one shall lift up hand or foot in all the land of Egypt.”
There is something strange here. It seems that Pharaoh is concerned Joseph will usurp his position and he must tell him, not once but twice, that he is working under the king. But what would trigger this concern?
If you are dealing with an unscrupulous person, we can understand this type of talk. But it is obvious that Pharaoh was impressed by Joseph’s wisdom and humility. What is more, Pharaoh told Joseph, “according to your word shall all my people be ruled.” Clearly, this is “my people.” I am their leader. Why the need to state again, “only the throne I will make greater than you."
Also the words of Pharaoh to Joseph are strange: “Only the throne I will make greater than you." What a strange expression to employ. Why does he not say, “the throne remains greater than you?” or something similar. Does Pharaoh need to increase the greatness of the throne due to Joseph’s appointment?
What is even more enigmatic are the words of the Midrash, that Pharaoh’s words to Joseph teach is that also G-d remains greater and holier than His people. This is so strange.
was the second Rebbe of Ger, Rabbi Yehudah Leib Altar (1847-1905), known as the Sefas Emes, who presented a deeper explanation of this midrash. We also come to understand the conflict between the Greeks and the Jews embodied by the festival of Chanukah.
Women's Chanukah/Miketz/Vayigash Class
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Adina Sash in honor of freeing all the agunas
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Anonymous -1 month ago
Love your Shiurim,
Your moshul would make alot more sense as a Hyperlink, not a copy and paste
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