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A Journey Through the Jewish Prayer Book -- Part 4

Why Should I Study Torah?

25 min

Class Summary:

A Journey Through the Jewish Prayer Book -- Part 4: Why Should I study Torah?


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  • AB

    Avrohom Bruck -11 years ago

    Is the book from the curriculum available?

    What is the title?

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  • DB

    Dovid Benveniste,Tsfat -11 years ago

    Amazing Help

    for all the people I explain to every day when I put the tefillin on them for the first or second time ever..Always can use new linsights  to explain the mitzvahs and their inate pleasure!

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  • S

    Sholom -11 years ago

    Thank you Rabbi Miller for another insightful, enriching class.

    Your language and vernacular  in addition to the beautiful concepts, really talk to me.

    On the one hand you are very down to earth, sobering, on the other hand you are inspiring, elevating with fresh outlook on concepts, topics that become perhaps a little stale..

    Much hatzlocho.

    What is the reason for the 3rd bracha?

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Chaim Miller

  • June 27, 2013
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  • 19 Tamuz 5773
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Dedicated by Josh and Robyn Goldhirsch

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