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The Final Maamar

Veatah Tetzaveh 5741 Purim Katan 5752

18 min

Class Summary:

The Final Maaamar of the Lubavitcher Rebbe: Veatah Tetzaveh 5741 -- Purim Katan 5752

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  • BB

    Basha Botnick -1 year ago

    Yasher koach. Happy Purim Katan! Yechi HaMelech HaMoshiach.

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  • SS

    Sholom Schusterman -2 years ago


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  • YL

    yisroel l -10 years ago

    Thank You
    I wanted to say thank you - due to your classes I actually memorized those few verses at the end of the maamor discussing that last point about achdus of Yidden and say it over all the time ! thank you!

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Yossi Paltiel

  • February 11, 2014
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  • 11 Adar I 5774
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Dedicated by The Chanin Fund

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