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How Do I Dispel My Inner Darkness? The Analytical & Behavioral Approaches

Exploring the Opinions of the Schools of Shamai and Hillel on the Number of Chanukah Candles, from a Legal and Spiritual Dimension

1 hr 3 min

Class Summary:

The Mitzva of lighting the Menorah is incredibly unique in the fact that every single person performs it not only in its minimal standard, but in the way described by the Talmud to be the ‘most beautiful of beautiful.’ How did this develop? The argument between the Talmudic sages how many candles we light each night of Chanukah.

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  • Y

    yisroel -10 years ago

    on night number 6 if someone sees 6 candles how does the observer know if its mehadrin and kneged the days or perhaps there are 6 people doing mehadrin 

    and if you say that the observer is aware what night of chanukah it is and therefore realizes that it is more liekly that it corresponds to that nights amount

    than the same can be assumed if there is a multiple of that nights amount so why does Tosfos have a problem if everyone lights and adds everynight?

    ps. great Shiur as usual

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  • A

    Anonymous -11 years ago

    There is silence in face of overwhelming grief and silence in the face of injustice. The two ought not to be confused.

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  • EIC

    Eliyahu in Canada -11 years ago

    To Chaya
    You are correct that Holocaust Day was instituted by people who have little connection to G-d and Torah but in fact I am will be going to a memorial service in my town and will print out copies of this essay with theyeshiva.net address and perhaps some will read it and go to the site and begin to rediscover thier lost heritage.

    We should also remember our fellow Jews languishing in prison Jonathan Pollard and Reb Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin who I believe commented on this page and both deserve a yeshua Krovah, for they both have been thrown into prison, the key thrown away, mostly because they are fellow Jews.  . 

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  • T

    theresa -11 years ago

    when silence kills
    G-d bless israel. a wonderful inspiring and thought provoking lesson. thank you so much. i am a noahide. and left xtianity about 22 years ago. and have been studying with orthodox rabbis including rabbi tuvia bolton of chabad via the net . since 1995. my first rabbi on the net was the late R Yosef Kazen. i thank G-d for guiding me to the orthodox site and to this prestigious teacher who taught me via the net for two years before he passed away due to cancer. at the time he was teaching me, i did not know it was from his lap top at the hospital. may all his merits help bring mosiach now.

    thank you again rabbi. if not for the internet there is no way i could have learnt of the 7 laws, which we were never taught where we live. i was educated in a convent.Hashem has His ways of reaching out. He chooses His tools. for my two sons and myself, it was the net, as where i live there are no jews or syngs. 

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  • C

    Chaya -11 years ago

    Good question
    A very good question indeed SMR! I agree completely. And there are many other reasons we don't need to go into, to show how unappropriate it is.

    What bothers me also is that we are in Chodesh Nissan, when mourning is out of place. This date was not instituted by Torah respecting people. Why do we have to accept their date and relate to it? 


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