tzaddik Thank you for your true words of wisdom , first time listener , ( side note commentor isaac brings up point abt calling your son tzaddik if we look in hagaddah the term used is chacham tzadik is something that happens with time and self sacrifice time after time a child should never be called a tzadik will give him wrong idea of what perfection means but wise smart promotes his learning understdanding by calling him chacham )
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Chosid -13 years ago
The "Rebbe's view" The Rebbe made it clear in a sicha on Parshas
Emor, the great importance of stressing the maalos of a fellow yid bi deboor.
Complimenting actually elevates their potential, according to the Rebbe. If the compliments are shallow, or have a hidden agenda, that is another story. A child's self-esteem comes from a parent continually seeing a child's potential, and stressing it at the appropriate times.
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Isaac -13 years ago
Calling your child a "tzaddik" Rabbi Drizinm, how about calling a child generally, not at any specific time or because of a specific action, "a tzaddik," a "malach," a "sweety," is that also not effective? is it not good? please give me your input.
Thanks so much for these teachings. They are making a difference in my life.
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Nechama -13 years ago
Howard Glasser in NY this week Yes, this Approach which is truly "chassidish" in its essence is well developed by Howard Glasser, who will be giving a 1 day seminar in NYC on Wed, April 6 ( and Monday in Princeton, NJ.) Check it out at and dates)
I heard the story from my father, Rabbi Avrohom Mayorer, a long time ago, and he told it about two orphans who were about to marry and the local Poretz, Landowner, needed money to pay his taxes to the Czar so he held up the local Jewish community by demanding ten thousand ruble from the community or the Choson would
be given as a soldier to the Czarist army for the quota of soldiers.
The money was collected to save the unfortunate choson.
that the Poretz needed to fill. If someone can help us with a source for this story we would appreciate it.
Please leave your comment below!
david k -10 years ago
Thank you for your true words of wisdom , first time listener , ( side note commentor isaac brings up point abt calling your son tzaddik if we look in hagaddah the term used is chacham tzadik is something that happens with time and self sacrifice time after time a child should never be called a tzadik will give him wrong idea of what perfection means but wise smart promotes his learning understdanding by calling him chacham )
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Chosid -13 years ago
The "Rebbe's view"
The Rebbe made it clear in a sicha on Parshas
Emor, the great importance of stressing the maalos of a fellow yid bi deboor.
Complimenting actually elevates their potential, according to the Rebbe. If the compliments are shallow, or have a hidden agenda, that is another story. A child's self-esteem comes from a parent continually seeing a child's potential, and stressing it at the appropriate times.
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Isaac -13 years ago
Calling your child a "tzaddik"
Rabbi Drizinm, how about calling a child generally, not at any specific time or because of a specific action, "a tzaddik," a "malach," a "sweety," is that also not effective? is it not good? please give me your input.
Thanks so much for these teachings. They are making a difference in my life.
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Nechama -13 years ago
Howard Glasser in NY this week
Yes, this Approach which is truly "chassidish" in its essence is well developed by Howard Glasser, who will be giving a 1 day seminar in NYC on Wed, April 6 ( and Monday in Princeton, NJ.) Check it out at and dates)
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Chaim Itche -13 years ago
The Rusty Penny
By Tuvia Bolton
Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi
(This is as it appears on
I heard the story from my father, Rabbi Avrohom Mayorer, a long time ago, and he told it about two orphans who were about to marry and the local Poretz, Landowner, needed money to pay his taxes to the Czar so he held up the local Jewish community by demanding ten thousand ruble from the community or the Choson would
be given as a soldier to the Czarist army for the quota of soldiers.
The money was collected to save the unfortunate choson.
that the Poretz needed to fill. If someone can help us with a source for this story we would appreciate it.
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