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Gemarah Pesachim: “Throw It to the Dogs!”

Advanced Talmud, Pesachim Chapter 2, 22a --<br>Class 3 of 4

1 hr 3 min

Class Summary:

Advanced Talmud, Pesachim Chapter 2, 22a --
Class 3 of 4

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  • Y

    Yisroel -13 years ago

    throw it to the dogs
    After the first shiur, where Chizkiya learned issur hanoa from 'lo yeachel' because it is passive and is an unusual form, I wondered why one cannot suggest a simpler reason: if it is passive, that means that not only should you not eat it, but it should not be eaten by the dog, which is a form of hanoa.

    However, now I understand that since throwing it to the dog is obvious, the Gemara taught us here that it is an explicit mitzva, so my reason for lo yeachel is flawed.

    Thank you very much. The class is very informative and challenging. Best Gemara Rebbi I've met yet!

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  • L

    Levi -13 years ago

    א״ת = Asked Tosfos - easier to remember... My Rebbi taught me that one :).

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  • Y

    Yosef -13 years ago

    I loved that observation about the different terms used in Tesefos for a question: 1. Af al gav. 2. Eim tomar. 3. Kashe. 4. Teima. The latter term "teima" is the strongest term for a question and objection. Is there s source for this observation? you said you learnt it as a child, from whom?

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    • A

      Anonymous -13 years ago

      Re: "Teimah"
      I most probably heard it from my father ע"ה.

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  • A

    Anonymous -13 years ago

    Thank you
    Very geshmak

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Ephraim Piekarski

  • March 29, 2011
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  • 23 Adar II 5771
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This course is dedicated in honor of Avraham ben Sarah Glick- may he have good health, nachat and ruach.

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