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Likkutei Torah Sheishes Yamim Maamar #1 Class 3: Fusing the Conscious & the Unconscious

After eating matzah for six days you are ready to expose your inner sea

1 hr 4 min

Class Summary:

After eating matzah for six days you are ready to expose your inner sea. Likkutei Torah Maamar Sheishes Yamim Tochal Matzos. Class 3 of 4.

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  • S

    sarale -13 years ago

    subconsciuos and conscious?
    The title of this is fusing subconscious and conscious but the maamar does not really get into that. Does the Alter Rebbe discuss this inyan? it makes sense and I can see the connection but would like to hear more about this concept please.

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  • M

    menachem -13 years ago

    help with money
    people, I do not work for this website but I do help them. The class is getting much better, but I know they need help covering the expense, if you can give even $5 for each class you hear, that can make a big deference.

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    • A

      Anonymous -13 years ago

      Re: help with money

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  • RY

    reb yid -13 years ago

    crystal clear
    Thanks again for an amazing clear

    shiur- on material which is pretty

    difficult to understand by oneself

    chag kusher vsameach !!

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  • YK

    yosef kutner -13 years ago

    You presentation as always is great. Every week it gets better. Thank you

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  • CL

    Cirel Lipskier -13 years ago

    Car to the country
    Just my husband and Rabbi Immanuel Schochat got to camp with a hitch-ride, and arrived when the Rebbe was already in the car ready to leave camp.

    You can get the exact details from Rabbi Avrohom Lipskier!

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    • A

      Anonymous -13 years ago

      Re: Car to the country
      [QUOTE]Just my husband and Rabbi Immanuel Schochat got to camp with a hitch-ride, and arrived when the Rebbe was already in the car ready to leave camp.

      You can get the exact details from Rabbi Avrohom Lipskier![/QUOTE]

      Did the Rebbe put the Matza aside right away and then give it to the person who gave him the news of the accident or did the bochurim later get the matza from the Rebbe himself? Rabbi Shochet Sheyichye was actually the one who told me that the Rebbe himself handed him the Matza. Your detail, that only your husband and Rabbi Shochat made it to camp on time can actually resolve the discrepancy. Please respond.

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Yossi Paltiel

  • April 1, 2011
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  • 26 Adar II 5771
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Dedicated by THE CHANIN FUND
In honor of Chaya Leah Chanin on the occasion of her birthday on 1 Nissan 
In honor of the wedding anniversary of Rabbi Zalman & Nechama Chanin On Rosh Chodesh Nissan
In honor of Chaya Mushka Chanin on the occasion of her birthday on 2 Nissan 
With the help of www.VIPISRAEL.com

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