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Is Man a Creator Or an Organizer?

The legal, mystical, and philosophical ideas behind the Laws of "Selecting" on Shabbos. Class 1 in the series

50 min

Class Summary:

The legal, mystical, and philosophical ideas behind the Laws of "Selecting" on Shabbos. Class 1 in the series

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  • R

    Reuven -12 years ago

    thank you!
    awesome Rabbi, B"H for your shiurim- I've been learning shabbos in 770 and w/o shiurim it lacks a vital elelment, Thank you!

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  • Y

    Yaakov -12 years ago

    Missing the class
    Why no new class this Sunday evening? A big pitty. I was so looking fwd!

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  • L

    Levy -13 years ago

    Yossie sh"y,

    So good to "redn in lernen" again after the long hiatus.

    About the interpretation of Tehillim 136, it's one of those things which liggen in kop.

    But if I did see it - in Chassdus it would be by the Rebbe the Tz.Tz.. Otherwise I think it's quoted in the intro to one of the early "Otzar Meforshei HaTalmud".

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  • YN

    Yossie Nemes -13 years ago

    Just listened to first Shiur and Yasher Koach to Rabi V'mori Harav Wienberg. Excellent Shiur as expected. I was wondering if Rabbi Weinberg can give us the source for the vort of Hashem creating and then organizing (from Tehilim 136, L'oseh Oros, etc.) creation. This was borught as the possible source of how Borer is productive melacha, because step two of productivity, after creating, is organizing or placing item in the right place.

    Of course if it’s the RLW's own idea 'Iz Mir Oich Gut', just wondering because it's an excellent vort.

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    • A

      Anonymous -13 years ago

      Re: Question
      Yossie sh"y,

      So good to "redn in lernen" again after the long hiatus.

      About the interpretation of Tehillim 136, it's one of those things which liggen in kop.

      But if I did see it - in Chassdus it would be by the Rebbe the Tz.Tz.. Otherwise I think it's quoted in the intro to one of the early "Otzar Meforshei HaTalmud"

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  • TC

    The critic -13 years ago

    Another first year Pertorian here. Boy I didn’t realize until now how much I miss these shurim, can we go back?

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Levi Wineberg

  • May 8, 2011
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  • 4 Iyyar 5771
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Dedicated by Yigal, Chayale and Niasoff Family- In the loving memory of Reb Yeshayahu ben Yosef Levy for his Yartzeit on 21 Shevat.

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