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Gemarah Pesachim: Blood That Spills Like Water

4 different Tosfos' - Talmud Pesachim 22a-b. Class 3 of 4

1 hr

Class Summary:

4 different Tosfos' - Talmud Pesachim 22a-b. Class 3 of 4

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  • MK

    Mordechai Krasnerman -13 years ago

    I think you speak too quickly sometimes

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  • T

    talmid -13 years ago

    i have been listening to the shiurim and loving them, i particularly love how every shiur starts with a short clip to get into the mood. but what is the clip that was used in this particular vid. it was wonderful. thanks

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Ephraim Piekarski

  • May 25, 2011
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  • 21 Iyyar 5771
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