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Too Holy

Why We Eat Fish Before Meat. Likkutei Torah Behaaloscha Maamar Eim Es Kal Dagei Hayam.

54 min

Class Summary:

Why We Eat Fish Before Meat. Likkutei Torah Behaaloscha Maamar Eim Es Kal Dagei Hayam.

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  • SM

    Shmuel Munkis -13 years ago

    uplifting food!
    Rabbi! the class was very good! U mentioned that Moshe couldnt supply meat since he was not capable of uplifting...well u got me thinking the Rebbe wants us to eat Mezonoz befor davening! this is basicly telling us that the Rebbe is on such a level of Bittul to Hashem he could uplift even before prayer...unlike any Tzadik befor him!

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    • RP

      Rabbi Paltiel -13 years ago

      Re: uplifting food!
      I think it's a mistake to compare us to dor hamidbar for quite obvious reasons. The Rebbe's approach to us (if I understand it correctly) is to be positive with us. If eating before Davening will make our Avoda more positive than it's good. Moshe was dealing with a dor Deah.

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  • GB

    Gershon Beck -13 years ago

    There is no sound of R Paltiel. only sound was music in the beginning

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    • A

      Anonymous -13 years ago

      Re: sound
      I am not sure what you mean. It all seems to be working here. Are you referring to the MP3 or MP4 files?

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      • GB

        Gershon Beck -13 years ago

        Re: sound
        I could not hear the sound of R Paltiel speaking for both the MP3 or MP4

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      • GB

        gershon Beck -13 years ago

        Re: sound
        perhaps something was amiss with my headphones, its working now, Thx again for the learning. It makes my day

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  • G

    gila -13 years ago

    a question
    I understand MOshe Rabbenu did not feel he or his generation could eat meat and he even decided they could not handle fish. But then why was the solution quail? HOw is that more spiritual than fish? I was not really clear on that point. I know quail is from chesed, but what is fish from?

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    • RP

      Rabbi Paltiel -13 years ago

      Re: a question
      I believe the answer lies in the detail of Shamnunis: the quail was very fat. Mystically fat represents G-dliness, and the quail to them was not a different birur but above bitur: physical food that enriched them and allowed them huge spiritual leaps. Like the gemara quoted in Tanya ch.

      7 with Rav Nachman etc.

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  • SC

    Sam c -13 years ago

    Conflicting approaches
    Forgive me for drawing parallels between your class on Behalotcha and shelach which is not discussed in your class but my question is this: you discuss how the maamer expounds upon the exalted level of the Jews in the desert and them demanding meat for consumption whether they are too aloof to elevate or not, according to chassidus the sin of the spies in this weeks torah portion was their wish to continue to live in the desert and live totally spiritual lives and not cultivate the material land and become entrenched and consumed by materialism, how does that reconcile and coalesce with a seemingly antithetical request for meat which is as coarse and corporeal as it gets (in this weeks parsha)???

    Thanks ahead,

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    • BC

      Ben CH -13 years ago

      Re: Conflicting approaches
      Good Question and perhaps that is in fact a similarity in a subtle sense.

      Specifically though to answer ur Q, we need to look @ the source of the complaints. It was a) the Mraglim who (as leaders and on behalf of all) said they wanted to lead the higher plane life of the desert b)it was the 'erev rav' who demanded the requirement of meat.

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    • RP

      Rabbi Paltiel -13 years ago

      Re: Conflicting approaches
      The short answer is I don't know. We must remember that these were different groups of people. The Kivros HaTaava were initiated by the Erev Rav. As the Possuk says- they'll never be happy because what they want is to complain. Also elevating meat in the Midbar is hardly as worldly as conquering Eretz Yisroel. By way of comparison: Adam and Chava wanted Da'as Tov vaRa (intellectual connection) and got instead Hergesh Tov vaRa (They became the entanglement of good and evil).

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  • M

    ml -13 years ago

    yechidus with rav kohen
    oib ich gedenk richtik, it was the son of the nazir in yerushalayim. and the Rebbe was suprized that his father didn't eat meat, because al pi kabala you should eat meat, because of birur etc.

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    • RP

      Rabbi Paltiel -13 years ago

      Re: yechidus with rav kohen
      Oib ich gedenk richtig the Nazir from Yerushalayim was Rav Cohen's father.

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Yossi Paltiel

  • June 2, 2011
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  • 29 Iyyar 5771
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Dedicated by THE CHANIN FUND In honor of Moshe Yisroel Dovid Chanin And in honor of Shmuel (Mula) Chanin

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