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The Laws of Trapping an Animal On Shabbos -- Part 3

The Rule of “Safek Pesik Reaishe:” Can you open a refrigerator if a light may go on? Can you cover a garbage bin which may contain flies?

59 min

Class Summary:

The Laws of Trapping an Animal On Shabbos -- Part 3. The Rule of “Safek Pesik Reaishe:” Can you open a refrigerator if a light may go on? Can you cover a garbage bin which may contain flies?

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  • RLW

    Rabbi L Wineberg -12 years ago

    Thank you Ari, for your feedback. It's good to know you and all the other listeners are out there and participating.

    The real nachas will be when you write to say that you have begun learning this way yourself - looking for the spiritual meaning and the lesson in Avodas Hashem in all that you learn.

    Thanks again

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  • RLW

    Rabbi L. Wineberg -12 years ago

    Sofek Psik Reishei
    See first two pieces of the Kuntres Achron - seems clear that A"R doesn't accept Ta"z fully, (although he supports Ta"z's position from a mashmo'us of the loshon harishonim ).

    Thank you for your continued ha'oros machkimos.

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  • RLW

    Rabbi L. Wineberg -12 years ago

    Ta"z & Alter Rebbe re sofek psik reishei
    The difference between them is that according to the Ta"z each kula stands alone. According the Alter Rebbe only the combination permits closing the chest.

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  • AH

    Ari Hirim -12 years ago

    Thank you!
    I really appreciate your series. I like how Chassidus gives meaning to the mitzvot. Thank you for making it available. I'm making sure I hear the whole series and look forward to each one. 

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  • B

    Berel -12 years ago

    Opinion of Alter Rebbe on Sefek Pesik Reishe
    I beg to differ on one point Rabbi Wineberg: How did you see in 316:4 of the Alter Rebbe that he argues with the Taz? The Taz also says, that the reason to be lenient is because of the kula of the Tur that this is not called trapping since the fliedswill fly away. And in addition to that, the Taz says, that even if it is called trapping, it is not pesek reishe. He too brings both reasons to be makil, and the Alter Rebbe quotes the kula of the tur and relies on it only in a case of safer peseik reishe. Where do you see a disagreement with the Taz? Please explain.

    As far as the kuntres acharin of simon 277: You did not explain what you see from there. A pity. it is a complex kuntres acharon and i really wish you will learn the whole thing inside for the next shuir. it seems like a classic. But where do you see from there that he argues with the Taz?

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