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Laws of Muktzeh on Shabbos -- #4

The Meaning of Muktzeh Because of Value -- "Chesron Kis"

49 min

Class Summary:

Laws of Muktzeh on Shabbos -- #4 - The Meaning of Muktzeh Because of Value -- "Chesron Kis"

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  • RLW

    Rabbi L. Wineberg -11 years ago

    Fuzzy logic
    Hi, Yankel,

    I see you are fuzzy about fussy.

    Here it is:

    The seller is particular ("fussy") not to use dishes from his stock for his domestic needs, since

    a) he will lose the profit that he would have earned from the dishes that he uses (most customers don't want second-hand plates);

    b) he may devalue the entire set.(- even those dishes that he didn't use), since there are, e.g., twelve fish plates, twelve bread plates, twelve dinner plates to the set. and by using a few he ends up with odd numbers of plates.

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  • Y

    Yankel -11 years ago

    Kelim Muktze Machmas Chisaron Kis
    Dear R.Wineberg:

    One question on "Kelim Muktze Machmas Chisaron Kis" on the example of a person who sells dishes (has a home store). His inventory of dishes are muktze since he is "FUZZY ABOUT THEM".

    My question is why??:

    (1) Is he fuzzy about re-selling used dishes "as new", since he'll have to sell them at a discount?

    (2) Is he fuzzy since he'll have to use them very carefully to avoid damaging, hoping to try to resell as new?

    (3) Is he fuzzy of taking them for shabbos since he doesn't want to BUY from his inventory (expensive dishes from his home-store rather than his day-to-day plain home dishes)?

    Just trying to understand what does it mean by "FUZZY"

    Hatzlacha !

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Levi Wineberg

  • November 2, 2012
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  • 17 Cheshvan 5773
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Dedicated by Josh and Robyn Goldhirsch

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