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Do You Ever Throw a Child Out of the House?

How to Deal with Children Who Break All Your Rules

23 min

Class Summary:

Do You Ever Throw a Child Out of the House? How to Deal with Rebellious Children. This class was presented in Adar 5777, March 2017, at Ohr Chain, Monsey, NY, at the conclusion of the daily Gemarah Shuir, Rosh Hashanah 16b, where the Gemarah says that Yishmael was judged based on his present siaution, not based on his future generations. The class was a response to the question, why, then, when it comes to a Ben Sorer Umoreh do we judge him based on his future, not his present?

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  • Anonymous -6 years ago

    Throw child out of the house

    בדקתי בהשם משמואל (תרע"א) ומבאר הענין ביתר הסתכלות פנימי שלא מנקתים הילד מהשורש של האבות הק' וכו'.
    אבל בשיעור שלכם ודאי מבארים את הנקודה בדיוק שהאהבה והחיבה מבטיחות שיחזור בע"ה
    עוד נקודה ששמעתי בהשיעור ששלחתם שמישהו שואל אודות חובתם של מוסד וכו'.
    חישבתי שהמהלך בהרבה מוסדות לעשות כולם שווה בשווה, אלה הדברים - לא פחות ולא יותר. כידוע הגמ' אאנשי סדום, סנהדרין קט: הויא להו פורייתא דהוו מגני עלה אורחין כי מאריך גייזי ליה כי גוץ מתחין ליה.
    כמעט כסדום היינו - מוסד אותיות סדום

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  • N

    Nathan -7 years ago

    I'm around allot of at risk people allot and get to see them and hear allot from them and can tell you many stories similar to that, mostly though in the negative direction sadly. If you put 20 at risk, off the derech souls or whatever people label them as in a room, and only one of them or two of them have a caring and loving home/family it is very identifiable to me...could totally be pointed out; they may look the same or be upto the same similar trouble as the other 18-19 souls but their demeanor and many things about them are just very different. Not so full of hate and anger etc. towards everything on the planet...

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  • EV

    Eli Verschleiser -7 years ago

    OurPlace is the answer to these issues.

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    • MW

      Meir Weiss -6 years ago

      are you able to piost link to ourPlace?

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      • MW

        Meir Weiss -6 years ago


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Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • March 30, 2017
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  • 3 Nisan 5777
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