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Does Judaism Believe in Romance?

There Is No Love Outside of the Divine

1 hr 5 min

Class Summary:

Likkutei Torah Pinchas Tzav #8.Does Judaism Believe in Romance?  There Is No Love Outside of the Divine

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  • Anonymous -7 years ago

    These messages saved my life

    Btw about today's shuir שיר השירים, it came to my mind that all the time we learned about Yaakov kissing etc the rabbis always told us: עס איז העכערע זאכען וואס אונז פארשטייען נישט Till one day a smart kid from my class (he is not religious today now that I think about this) asked the rabbi maybe the פסוק of not turn on a fire on Shabbos is also העכערע זאכען....... he got smacked up and thrown out of חדר Anyways I really have no words for bringing me to this level of awareness in every aspect in my life including my children....... I am happy that I reached this shuir and especially ליקוטי תורה...... with out this I would not be around any more....

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Likkutei Torah Pinchas Tzav #​​8​

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • July 20, 2017
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  • 26 Tamuz 5777
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