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W​hat Is Real Friendship?​

​​How Did David and Yonoson Remain Such Good Friends?

1 hr 15 min

Class Summary:

Likkutei Torah Atem Nitzavim #2. What Is Real Friendship?​ ​How Did David and Yonoson Remain Such Good Friends?

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  • MK

    Mark Korn -3 years ago

    Death of Moshe

    You teach that Moshe passed on zion Adar? I thought he passed ches Adar? He was born and passed in same day?

    B'bracha and with abundant gratitude 

    Mark Korn / Menachem Eliyad 

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    • I

      Isaac -3 years ago

      The Talmud says in Talmud Megillah it was the 7th of Adar. 

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Likkutei Torah ​Atem Nitzavim # ​2​

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • September 12, 2017
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  • 21 Elul 5777
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