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The Two Ingredients to Preserve Judaism

Rabbi JB Soloveitchik and the Lubavitcher Rebbe on the Two Layers Covering the Tabernacle

54 min

Photo: Shlomo Vishinsky | Courtesy Zev Markowitz | Chaiartgallery.com

Class Summary:

The Two Ingredients to Preserve Judaism: Rabbi J.B. Soloveitchik (1903-1993) and the Lubavitcher Rebbe (1902-1994) on the Two Layers Covering the Tabernacle

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  • SR

    shmuel rosenblum -1 year ago

    בבקשה רבה.אני מנסה להשיג את הדרשה של הרב סולובייציק-לא מצליח. די דחוף.... 

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  • M

    Mordechai -1 year ago

    We are forever grateful to you for bringing the light of our Torah giants and articulating it so clearly rationally inspirationally and movingly.

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  • DGLA

    Daniel Ganjian- Los Angeles -11 years ago

    Great shiurs. If ruth converted after her husband past away, then she should not have been related to naomi anymore (since a convert is no longer related to even her parents). Why was boaz obligated to do yibum with her, since he is no longer related to him now that she converted?

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  • M

    Meir -11 years ago

    Thank you!
    Thank you !

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  • R

    Rina -12 years ago


    Wow, that was very inspiring!

    As usual, your messages and deep meanings in Chassidis, are expressed so magnificently!

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Bamidbar Class

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • May 18, 2009
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  • 24 Iyyar 5769
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Dedicated by The Niasoff Family In the loving memory Reb Chananya ben Reb Abba NiasoffIn honor of his Yahrtzeit on 4 Sivan

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