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Don't Lie to Your Children's about Elijah's Cup

How to See Elijah the Prophet on the Night of Pesach

Class Summary:

At the end of Rabbi YY Jacobson's morning Chassidus class on Tuesday, 11 Nissan, 5779, April 17, 2019, one of the students asked if it is correct to tell your children that the prophet Elijah comes and physically drinks the wine in "the cup of Elijah." Rabbi Jacobson's response is presented in this video.


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  • RS

    Ruth Symmons -5 years ago

    Rabbi is correct - do not lie to children  

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  • Anonymous -5 years ago

    הכנסה לחדר

    How would you reconcile the idea of not telling children things which aren't really true, with the minhag chabad, instituted by the Alter Rebbe to throw candies on the child by his הכנסה לחדר and say that it was מלאך מיכאל throwing them? 

    (The Rebbe explains in Sichos that it actually is true, because the one throwing is the messager of מלאך מיכאל, so accordingly the question would be a little different: Why is it lying to tell a child that אליהו הנביא came and drank? Why not consider the father a Shliach for אליהו?)

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  • Anonymous -5 years ago

    Is it a lie??

    Rabbi Jacobson, thank you for your great shiurim. I totally agree that you shouldn't lie to your childeren (as this father in the story did). I also understand that the are different "Bechines" in this. But there is a story of one of the Belze Rabbis that when he was a child he asked his father by "Shefoych Chamuscu" who that yid is, and his father made him be quite. He saw Eliyahu Hanuvy. Besides, there's a Minhug in some places to pour from the Kois Shel Eliyahu into the other Koises, I belive it's because it's his Shirayim.


    Thank you.

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  • G

    Gil -5 years ago

    He Comes... But You Need Eyes.

    Firstly, Rabbi Jacobson, may I thank you for your fantastic shiurim.  In fact I cannot thank you enough. May Hashem bless you without end with everything good to 120 beH.

    I just finished listening to your shiur about not lying to children about Eliyahu haNavi.
    Please let me tell our experience concerning the berit milah for our first son, over 41 years ago. At that time we were living in UK part of a very frum but tiny sefardi kehilla, mostly Moroccan; a few like my husband from Gibraltar. I am ashkenazi-born.
    A very special lady originally from Morocco (and whom btw mekubalim would visit for a beracha) came to our son's milah. As she approached the entrance she stopped and would not enter: "He is not here". My husband assured her that the baby, mohel and sandak were all inside. 
    After a short time, she said "now he has come, Eliyahu haNavi". And she went inside.
    After this I have no doubt whatsoever that Eliyahu haNavi comes to every milah! 
    Wishing you a חג כשר ושמח; and קח to continue your vital vital work. It is so much appreciated.

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  • A

    Avigayil -5 years ago

    This is how you speak to your child with so much truth and depth

    When he was eight years old, the Frierdiker Rebbe recorded the events of the previous Pesach in his diary: "Erev Pesach, after teaching me the Seder Korban Pesach, my father said, 'Tonight, Eliyahu HaNavi is coming to all the Yiddishe homes, and the great tzaddikim will be privileged to see him. Although in Shamayim all neshamos are able to see everything, once they are vested in a body they only feel things. In the Holy Tongue, the word mishna(משנה) has the same letters as neshama (נשמה).Start to review the mishnayos of Mesechta Pesachim eight times, and when you come with me to open the door for Eliyahu HaNavi, review the mesechta a ninth time....' "

    (ספר המאמרים תשי"א ע' 296)

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Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • April 16, 2019
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  • 11 Nisan 5779
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Dedicated by Esther Castellanos, in honor of the Villarreal Family. Danny, Jezliah, Micha, Ariel, Nathaniel, Avigail and Yishai.

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