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The Sin of Comparing Trees

Exploring the inner world of the enigmatic “wood-gatherer”

59 min

Class Summary:

The Sin of Comparing Trees: Exploring the inner world of the enigmatic “wood-gatherer”

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  • O

    ock -8 years ago

    hi, if i want 1 source with most comprehensive information, which of the maamorim that you list in your source sheets would you recommend studing?

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  • Z

    ZALMAN -9 years ago

    Q:Hi rabbi Jacobson
    I'm a big fan and listener to your classes they are amazing inspiring and moving
    listening analyzing what you said i have a couple of question if you could clarify

    on parshas shlach you have a class about a wood carrier 'melaket eitzim' saying that upon hearing the mistake of meraglim and their desire to stay in holiness he went in other extreme go to phizical world, but in that case what was then next parshas "hero"- reb Korach's intention was same as melaket isn't it? he too wanted the holiness and physical stay separate undo the 3rd day of creation and stay in 2nd day (his name korach is the same as a rokiya amavdil like explained in our Rebe maimorim) stay in physical world and he told Moishe that from physical point of wiev the is no differences between us we all do the same things alike in the realms of physical world and Korach was able to say that only after the story of the meraglim when Moishe said maise tha actin the physical world is what god wants,so in thhat case why did Korach not learn that that to is a mistake from mekoishes eitzim tha wood carrier on shabes- Tzelofhad?

    2nd question is that in a class about meraglim and why did Yehoshua and kalev didn't take the fruits you said that zohar actually sais that "vaisuhu beshnoim"they carried by two -refers to yehoshua and kalev - any explanation on that?

    Thank you,
    Zalman Rudenco

    A:Thanks so much for your words and kind comments.
    question about korach and the mekoshesh is a good question. Perhaps
    korach took it one step heighter -- this man was violating shabbos.
    Completely denying Shabbos.
    Korach was on a higher level, perhaps, he eid deny shabbps and ruchneyos; he just felt that everyone has the same ruchneyos.
    mekoshesh was denying ruchneyos. Korach was saying that all Jews are holy, that all share the same ruchneyos.

    Q:Thank you very much but i still dont understand based on the rarly volums of l's 2 or 4

    Korach idea bases on that we all put same tfilin like Moshe Rabeinu, he
    knew that Moshe is greater in holly aspects but in physical thing we are the same bases on the l's vol 2 or 4

    A:Because physical has atzmus, there is holiness in the physical, not dismising th
    e spiritual all together.
    everything is now clear .
    Thank you very much for answering and being there to inspire us all.

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  • E

    ella -12 years ago

    Great and inspiring and meaningful article which I plan to share with others

    I do not believe there is a word-individuated

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  • A

    Anonymous -12 years ago

    An email I received today:

    Your wonderful article made me think of the quote by Rainer Maria Rilke (from Letters to a Young Poet):

    Once the realization is accepted that even between the closest human beings infinite distances continue, a wonderful living side by side can grow, if they succeed in loving the distance between them which makes it possible for each to see the other whole against the sky.

    Shabbat Shalom.


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  • C

    c -12 years ago

    Beautiful essay! My favorite line: "An authentic leader must embrace, rather than shun, human diversity. To a true leader, the distinctions between people are a positive phenomenon, not a threat. It is rooted in the leader's appreciation of the creator of humanity as being "G-d of the spirits," one G-d who created many distinct faces, spirits and hearts, each of them called upon to experience life in a unique and individual fashion."

    Thank you for sharing.

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Class Shlach

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • June 15, 2009
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  • 23 Sivan 5769
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In honor of Ari Schottenstein Dedicated by his family David, Eda, Nina and Yetta Alta Shula

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