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The Enigma of Yom Kippur: How Can a Day Cleanse You From Sin?

Class Summary:

This is a text based class, learning a sicha in Likkutei Sichos vol. 4, and is the first class in this series.  It was presented on Thursday Parshas Vayeilech, 4 Tishrei, 5780, October 3, 2019 at the Ohr Chaim Shul, Monsey, NY

The second class in this series is at https://www.theyeshiva.net/jewish/7193

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  • AF

    Adam F. -2 years ago

    Informal Notes

    Here is a layman's summary of this lecture. Apologies if oversimplified or inaccurate.

    • Yom Kippur itself has in its essence the power of kapparah, which means wiping off of the stains of sin (other than perhaps sins against this day itself), leaving no sign of those sins.
    • The Rabbis and Rebbi debated over the day works its magic. Rebbi's position was that Yom Kippur effects kapparah without any individual teshuva. One needs merely to be alive. The Rabbis by contrast argued that the individual's teshuva releases the day's potency. But either way, it is the day itself that effects kappara by way of a mechanic that ignores or is not in proportion to the individual's teshuva.
    • There can be a deeper level of kappara, which is where the person turns regrets the way his sins have undermined his relationship with Hashem, and where the person re-embraces Hashem even more intensely than prior to his miscondonduct. This is teshuva out of love which turns sins into mitsvos.
    • In order to explain how Yom Kipppur can itself effect kappara, the Rebbe is going to explain three levels of connection between Yidden and Hashem. Pursuant to the first, we connect by accepting the yoke of Heaven. According to the second, we have a relationship that is unbreakable and independent of any behaviours. The third should IYH be introduced in Rabbi YYJ's next instalment.  

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  • Anonymous -2 years ago

    Link for the second half?

    Can you please link the second half to this shiur? 

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  • M

    Moshe -4 years ago

    Two (or more) levels to certain relationships

    Avraham Avinu kept all the mitzvos, save one. Then Hashem made a bris, an eternal covenant with him and his physical and  spiritual  descendants.  Unbreakable no matter what.  Lehavdil like "blood brothers". 

     Again the events at Har Sinai had two parallel relationships built, the contractual and the covenental. (Well described in the "California Cunin) Chumash which explains sequence, repetition, differences etc between the building of  the  two aspects 

    So too in many relationships. Marriage is both contractual and  covenants, eternal.  Therefore the Rebbe is  quoted, surprisingly, in "A Happy Home" as saying that EVEN after a  get, chv"S, the now divorced couple stand as "bashert" towards each other as before the chuppa. Therefore it's a mitzvah to remarry (except Cohanim, interceding marriages). 

    Certainly parents and family members  have this duality of a relationship. 

    And this duality explains what Teshuva does indistinct from what Yom Kippur itself does.  

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Chassidus: Likkutei Sichos Yom Kippur #1

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • October 3, 2019
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  • 4 Tishrei 5780
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נתרם על ידי מנחם געלמאן, לרפואה שלימה לעלמא בת איילה רחל הי"ו בתוך שאר חולי ישראל

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