Reuven Epstein Show Interviews Rabbi YY Jacobson
Rabbi YY Jacobson
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Dedicated by Esther Roos-shalem, in loving memory of Eliyahu Yaakov ben Lea
Rabbi YY Jacobson was interviewed on the Rabbi Reuven Epstein Show, on Monday, 2 Sivan, 5780, May 25, 2020, on his life story and work.
The conversation dealt with questions like: What Makes a Leader? How do You Know Who You Are? Who Molded You? How Do You Deal with Criticism? What Is Chassidus? The conflicts among Jews, and more.
Reuven Epstein Show Interviews Rabbi YY Jacobson
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Esther Roos-shalem, in loving memory of Eliyahu Yaakov ben Lea
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mendel zilberberg -4 years ago
I think you were given an opportunity to say many important things that might be difficult to say if you were not questioned –
I have one comment that may not be so obvious
Many people question/wonder why Chabad is out there doing its own thing and seems to be oblivious to the norms of the chassidesh, yesivish etc., where the constituents of the varying groups feels the their way is the authentic Judaism
Obviously the first answer is why they take note of Chabad – but that loses traction insofar as they think that their ways are primary (if not the totality of Judaism)
I think you answered the question when you said that one of the primary ingredients of Chabad and its resultant success is ignoring the naysayers, being totally oblivious to criticism from those who do not sincerely want you to succeed etc and the understanding of Chupim and Yehoshua
While you may have meant it in the sense of not allowing oneself to feel limited by the fact that an undertaking is difficult --- to the extent that this lesson is deeply rooted, and a core value and the ingredient that empowers Chabad, it would present itself with respect to the above. Accordingly, it is much deeper than you don’t value my understanding and I don’t value yours.
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Mendel Zilberberg -4 years ago
TY for sharing some very important lessons/realities
Thank you for saying many important things that might be difficult to say if you were not questioned –
I have one comment that may not be so obvious
Many people question/wonder why Chabad is out there doing its own thing and seems to be oblivious to the norms of the chassidesh, yesivish etc., where the constituents of the varying groups feels the their way is the authentic Judaism
Obviously the first answer is WHY they take note of Chabad – but that loses traction insofar as they think that their ways are primary (if not the totality of Judaism)
I think you answered the question when you said that one of the primary ingredients of Chabad and its resultant success is ignoring the naysayers, being totally oblivious to criticism from those who do not sincerely want you to succeed etc and the understanding of Chupim and Yehoshua
While you may have meant it in the sense of not allowing oneself to feel limited by the fact that an undertaking is difficult --- to the extent that this lesson is deeply rooted, and a core value and the ingredient that empowers Chabad, it would present itself with respect to the above. Accordingly, it is much deeper than you don’t value my understanding and I don’t value yours.
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Shmuel G. -4 years ago
Dear Rabbi Jacobson And Rabbi Epstien.
I am a Talmid of Rabbi Jacobson from the years 5763-5764. Currently on shlichus. This Farbrengen touched my soul and inspired a novel energy to continue bringing Torah and Yiddishkiet to those around us.
This encounter and talk is transformational on many levels.
1-As a chabadnik it is beautiful to see a Litvak and Chabadnik Farbrenging together over the internet for all the world to see. it brings together yidden all over the world to unite together as jews with our mission Lesaken Olam Bemalchus Shin Daled Yud.
2-We see how the message of Chassidus is so universal while remaining pure and authentic and how its loved by all yidden because this is yiddishkiet.
3-Coming from a russian backround similar to Rabbi Jacobson, I would like to add some perspective on the point you mentioned about leadership, the chabadniks in Russia imbued their children with a culture of remaining in the shadows, maintaining their strong principles, being stubborn, and keeping it simple. Then growing up in Crown heights with the Rebbe they were inspired to go out on shlichus and take on the world. It got me thinking on the paradigm shift and cultural flexibility necessary for such a dramatic turn from the shadows to the world on shlichus. The awesome leadership it takes for the Rebbe to inspire that change.
4- Rabbi Jacobson mentioned his father as a astrong mentor, I would like to share with yuo an anecdote from a Farbrengen with Rabbi Jacobson and his father, It was a a shabbos afternoon at Rabbi Jacobsons house on New york ave. I asked his father to tell me something about his yechidus with the rebbe regarding his connection to russian jewry. at first he ignored me, then after a while he said (I Cannot remember the exact words) "what is confidential will forever remain confidential". he then paused for several seconds and continued with a wink in his eye. "but i will tell you how i took Ariel Sharon out for lunch and he ordered three main courses" he then began to laugh.
Let the Farbrengen continue.
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Anonymous -4 years ago
This chiour is amazing as usual
can we have the title of the book rabi YY wrote resuming the Tanya .
thanks and chavoua tov
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Aharon -4 years ago
We Must All Fabrengh
That's a classic at about 50:00 R Epstein says, "I've never been to a fabrengen".
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Anonymous -4 years ago
Is it possible to watch this on a stream instead of having to download?
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Anonymous -4 years ago
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shmuel -4 years ago
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Elie -4 years ago
Now that you mention the south Africa Shabbos project...
I think it would be great to do something while the shuls are still closed and so many people are not driving to shul ironically, we should encourage all Jews to try to keep a full shabbos and refrain from using TV, computers and phones. In the shul that i belong to 85% are driving to shul because for them shabbos means socialising at the kiddush. I asked our rabbi to push for this i havent heard anything am hoping he did but maybe if the community in south Africa that started the project would call for doing it now even if its not winter.
Maybe this is all it will take to bring Moshiach !!
Thanks, Elie
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