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Why Do We Have To Work?

Why Didn’t a Good G-d Provide for All Our Needs? And What Was It About the Labor Abraham Observed in the Land of Canaan that Inspired His Love for the Country?

55 min

Class Summary:

Why Didn’t a Good G-d Provide for All Our Needs? And What Was It About the Labor Abaraham Observed in the Land of Canaan that Inspired His Love for the Country?

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  • Anonymous -9 months ago


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    Test -3 years ago

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    Test -3 years ago






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    Chaim -10 years ago

    First and foremost thank you so much for the wonderful website it is truly an otzar of Torah and knowledge! I have to admit quite often I use many of the shiurim from the website!


    I know that you don’t have any achrayus to answer any q's but I wanted to know if you can answer the following q - I was giving the class you have on lech lcha entitled " Why Do We Have To Work?" and ran into the following resistance - in today’s society there is no issue with not working look around and see how many ppl don’t have jobs, furthermore if you look at uncivilized parts of the world they have no interest in working they would rather sit around and do nothing.  (roytzeh odom is only if he is already working) So if it is so important why don’t we have more of an innate push to work.  (My answer was that hashem says "sheshes yomim taavod”)

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      Anonymous -10 years ago

      Re: motivated
      It seems to me that although we all enjoy a vacation and we often hate our work, but when a person has nothing to do and is not productive in any way, it kills him. When we are not productive we feel bored, empty, and we have a deep void to fill. We fill it through endless entertainment, shopping, drinking, dulling our senses, but by nature man needs to feel satisfaction from some form of doing something significant and productive.


      As Chazal say, "shemom mavei ledei batalah" and the continuation which is not very flattering.


      Of course if I have an oppressive boss or an abusive job I will rather stay at home and sleep, but that does not take away from the truth that an ordinary person needs and WANTS TO FEEL HE IS ACCOMPLISHING SOMETHING.


      The amount of retired people who suffer from their boredom is known, ditto with youngsters who have nothing to do with their lives. These are well known truths. See also Bava Kama (I think p. 37 or 38) about "muad leshabbos," and Rashi ibid concerning what an animal does on Shabbos when it is bored because it cannot work.

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    Meir -10 years ago


    An amzaing and clear Shiur once again.

    I have to say I find myself listening to more and more of these Shiurim.

    Just wondering if we can get these to play on smartphones so we can listen while traveling

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Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • October 26, 2009
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  • 8 Cheshvan 5770
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Dedicated by David and Eda Schottenstein in the loving memory of a young soul Alta Shula Swerdlov.
And in the merit of Yetta Alta Shula, "Aliya," Schotenstein

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