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Chaim Walder & the Cover-Ups in Our Communities

The Lie of the Nile River -- and the Lies We Tell Ourselves and Others

1 hr 21 min

Class Summary:

This weekly women's class was presented on Tuesday, Parshas Vaera, 24 Teves, 5782, December 28, 2021, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.

The class explores an incredible discourse by the Alter Rebbe, Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi, the author of the Tanya, on how at the end of history before the coming of Moshiach, the most acute crass and filth mixed into the "wine" and the "silver" gets exposed, hence allowing the soul of Israel to shite in its pristine goodness and glory. The class explores the cover-up of child abusers in our communities for decades, claiming so many untold victims. This is the age of healing and transformation, which includes exposing the evil and putting an end to a culture of lies and cover-ups. Truth prevails.

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  • NH

    Need help -2 years ago

    U a molester rapist and want helpCall שלום בניך036182525 it all  Confidencial

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  • S

    ShmuelH -2 years ago

    I think that R' Y.Y. did the best job he could under the circumstances. Like Giuliani after 9/11, he barely had time to process it himself before he had to talk about it publicly. We're talking about an extremely ignored and delicate subject, and I challenge all the naysayers to give a speech a day later. He had to give the speech with the info he had. give the Rabbi a break. Btw, I almost never listen to his speeches, but I think you still got to look at it from his POV. 

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  • Y

    yd -2 years ago

    Your message is (as usual) important and to the point.

    Just one correction: The Yated did not write "tzaddik" -- just Zichrono Levracha (not abbreviated as z"l).

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  • Anonymous -2 years ago

    At the time of Beit Hamikdash you needed 72 Rabbunim to Paskin on Deiny nefushes, not 2 Rabbnim 

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  • YYJ

    Yosef Yitzchak Jacobson -2 years ago

    In response to an email about this all being fake news from social media, and how can we embarrass his family, and all this should be dealt with confidentially, I wrote:

    Thanks for sharing; but there was a Beis Din that interviewed 22 women (now it is a bigger number) and had access to recordings of him. Watch the interview with Reb Shmuel Eliyahu chief rabbi of Tzefas. So sadly, sadly, this is a true story, and worse than we imagine.

    This was not social media; this was a beis din of fine people, including rabbi eliyahu who is known to be a sweet and kind and honest man.

    Reb Shmuel said he asked Chaim walder to come, to apologize, to do teshuvah -- but he denied all and refused. Then took his life, and left that note in which he once again denied all.

    It is so sad for the family, but do not blame the victims for speaking out, and the rabbis for warning others, this prevents more abuse and molestation. The blame is on the perpetrator who did this to his family. You can't blame the victims who spoke up and saved so many more.

    If someone shoots children, do you keep it quiet, to protect his family, and endanger so many more c"v?!

    With many blessings and besuros tovos!

    much hatzlacha and ty for writing.


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Women's Vaeira Class

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • December 28, 2021
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  • 24 Tevet 5782
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Dedicated by Norma Blum in memory of my father Duvid ben Nussen haCohain.

לעילוי נשמות הרה״ח משפיע דתו״ת הת׳ מנחם זאב בן אברהם יחיאל הלוי, לרגל היארצייט כ"ב טבת. ואשתו מרת אסתר בת ר׳ משה שו״ב ע״ה. תנצב״ה.

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