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The Secret of a Bris

Removing the Foreskin of Existence

1 hr 18 min

Class Summary:

This class was presented on Thursday Parshas Lech Lecha, 9 Cheshvan, 5783, November 3, 2022, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.

This text-based class is on the discourse by the Alter Rebbe in Torah Ohr Lech Lecha, "V'lo Yikara Od Shimcha Avram," exploring the secret of the Bris, the circumcision of a child. It was presented by the Alter Rebbe before the Bris of his great-grandson, Reb Baruch Sholom, in 1805.

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    Aharon ambassador in training of love, light and hope -1 year ago

    Someone said that one can take all the gashmius in this world and put it in a carry-on luggage.  Cuz 99% of gashmius is empty space ie. the empty space between atoms.  Yet according to Chassidis and perhaps quantum mechanics (a far inferior theory compared to Torah by the way) in actuality 100% could fit into the “carry on luggage” becuz 100% of the gashmius is really Elokus.    

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Chassidus: Torah Ohr Lech Lecha Bris Milah #2

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • November 3, 2022
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  • 9 Cheshvan 5783
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