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Why Was Moses Afraid to Gaze at G-d?

In His Greatest Moment Moses Chose Earth Over Heaven

56 min

Class Summary:

Why Was Moses Afraid to Gaze at G-d?- In His Greatest Moment Moses Chose Earth Over Heaven

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  • MG

    Moishe Geller -1 year ago

    Moshe Rabeinu's need to remain pure in his empathy towards Klall Yisroel and mankind is Very noble, but it still doesn't help the rest of us understand the justification and purpose of all the unimaginable pain and suffering the Great, loving, compassionate G-D brought to his children, his chosen people. 

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  • K

    Kalman -3 years ago

    After such a wonderful lecture, I have a question that haunts me. I would very much like to receive an answer to it. How did it happen that 80% of the nation did not leave Egypt, moreover, they all died during the three days of darkness. There were at least 12 million men, women and children. 12 million in 3 days - what a holocaust compares to that. And what did Moshe do? Because of the straw, he came with a pretense to G-d: "lamah hareisa" ?, and for 80% of the nation he did not utter a word? How can this be explained on the same note on which this whole lecture was given. Please, even if there is no answer, I would like to see the reaction to my question.

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  • N

    Narda -4 years ago

    undergoing revolution towards my roots

    Superb exposition that makes me understand more why suffering is nessecary, not only as a potential blessing, but as a means by which God can become known also with the divine names of rigor, as part of the love for the divine totality. Thank you also for explaining the difference between Elokim and Hashem which is utterly new to me! I would love to hear more why the first is qualified by midat hadin, and the latter by midat hachesed. I know nothing about these midot or gimatrya of letters and words. Over the past two weeks or so I've been watching your videos almost days and nights to the effect that has positively changed my critical view of rabinical interpretation and exclusivity, presumably out of ignorance and or not being ready. Nevertheless the question of exclusivity troubles me and remains as yet unanswered.

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  • J

    Janet -6 years ago

    Hiding his face

    פנים אל פנים describes the relationship of Moshe Rabbeinu and HaShem. So perhaps Moshe’s impulse to hide his face so he can completely be with his People in their time of pain and need gives us a new insight into הסתר פנים של ה׳

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  • H

    hindel -6 years ago


    Always a favorite. Resonates perfectly and is super helpful in navigating the world of (occasional) pain. Thanks! How apropos that this shiur was given in memory of my daughter, Shula.

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