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Yud Shevat 5770 Farbrengen: What is the Role of a Rebbe?

Song & Inspiration in Tribute to the 60th Anniversary of the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s Leadership

3 hr 57 min

Class Summary:

The Song & Soul of a People -- A Live Evening of Song & Inspiration in tribute to the 60th Anniversary of the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s Leadership. This farbrengen took place on Yud Shevat 5760-2010, at the Chabad of Boca Raton, Florida.

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  • ESE

    Esther Sarah Evans -12 years ago

    ב"ה b"H inyan: really the G-dly miracle


    This is really the G-dly miracle, of course, and it is paralleled in the beginning words of the Birkos HaShema:

    "yotzer Or uvoreh Choshekh, ossay Shalom uvoreh et HaKol",  for as both parts of what are being made one in the cover - the one from the Holy of Holies and the one from the Holy are covered with Cherubim woven into them, symbolizing that all degrees of holiness in the Heavenly spheres come together in G-d's service (Sforno), the Artscroll Stone edition in note 6 on page 455 goes on to say that "the concept that the Tabernacle shall become one is an indication that all elements of Creation - Heavenly and human alike - should work together for a common goal".  HaShem, as stressed in the words above from the Birkos HaShema, is the G-d of Or and of Choshekh, all shades of good and evil and all creatures and creation involved. The Mishkan was a mini-version that contained this whole that our eyes, ears and all our senses can never encompass.


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  • L

    Leizer -12 years ago

    The Human Miracle

    Absolutely beautiful piece expressing the greatness of the human condition. Yashar Koach.

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  • E

    ephraim -14 years ago

    What a great d'var Torah. Thank you.

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  • S

    Suri -14 years ago

    Thank you for reminding me to seriously get to work. I truly appreciate all the wonderful lessons you teach us every week. May Hashem bless you abundantly.

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  • KK

    Karen Kramer -14 years ago

    The Human Miracle
    Thank you. In this, my 75th year, I am humbled and grateful to know I am one of all the miracles.
    Love and Shalom.

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Rabbi YY Jacobson

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  • 9 Sh'vat 5772
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Dedicated by David and Eda Schottensteinin the loving memory of Alta Shula Swerdlov And the merit of Yetta Alta Shula, "Aliya," Schottenstein

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