Dedicated by THE CHANIN FUND In honor of Rebbetzin Gittel bas Rivka Gansburg and Menachem Mendel ben Nechama Chanin On the occasion of their birthday on the 7th of Tammuz May they have a שנת ברכה והצלחה בגו״ר and enjoy long, happy and healthy years and glean much nachas from their children and families and give true nachas to the Rebbe
Class Summary:
This class explores the double role of a Rebbe: 1) The inner unseen task of touching Jewish Souls by touching the 'Maor' (yechida), 2) His actual leadership, which differs in each generation, reaching its greatest affect in generations of shmad, where the ‘Maor’ itself is actually revealed.
Thank you for helping us strengthen our connection to the rebbe!
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Yossi Paltiel
June 24, 2014
26 Sivan 5774
Dedicated by THE CHANIN FUND In honor of Rebbetzin Gittel bas Rivka Gansburg and Menachem Mendel ben Nechama Chanin On the occasion of their birthday on the 7th of Tammuz May they have a שנת ברכה והצלחה בגו״ר and enjoy long, happy and healthy years and glean much nachas from their children and families and give true nachas to the Rebbe
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Esther Lazerson -6 months ago
Beautiful Shuir!
Thank you for helping us strengthen our connection to the rebbe!
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