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What Is Zion? What Is Jerusalem? Part 2

Likkutei Torah -- Devarim Maamer: Berabos Parshas Eikev

1 hr 13 min

Class Summary:

Tziyon is higher than Havaya but Tziyon is linked to Elokim, the Tzimtzum to bring Elokus down. Simcha and Yerushalayim, Gila aqnd Tziyon, Hasehm's Chesed is higher than his Rachamim, Tzedaka gets us Chesed.

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  • YK

    Yitzchok Kaye -4 years ago

    Where is the first class?

    Where is part one of this class?

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    • Anonymous -4 years ago

      We are working on it.

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      • Anonymous -4 years ago

        part 1?

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      • AB

        Ari B -1 year ago

        Would be wonderful if this could still happen

        Yasher Koach!

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  • Anonymous -5 years ago

    What Is Zion? What Is Jerusalem? Part 2

    Where is part 1 ?

    Reply to this comment.Flag this comment.

Yossi Paltiel

  • August 6, 2014
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  • 10 Av 5774
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Dedicated by The Chanin Fund and by Factor Funding

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