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Torah Or Vayeishev Maamar B’chof Hay B’Kislev #3

Understanding Sacrifice: To Kvel In G-dliness

1 hr 4 min

Chassidim dancing

Class Summary:

This class explores the third and fourth step of sacrifices in the Holy Temple. Step one, blood, represents passion. Step two, light, represents clarity. Step three, incense, represents elevating the physical. Step four, burning the fat, symbolizes the experience of pleasure in the Divine reality which encompasses all of existence. This G-dly delight is the sum total of all the first three steps.

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  • DHB

    Dovid halevi Benveniste -10 years ago

    So last Wednesday you spoke about "Leatherman", so I asked Hashem and H*sent me the Leatherman family and his son in law the Shumachers from S.Paolo,Brazil as I asked .I put tefillin on them.This week you spoke of Shulamis. I then recalled an Israeli friend Tzion living in my hometown S.Francisco(meshpoche from Rv.Khadouri,but not religious.I was not frum either) telling me in 1981 to tell everyone in Israel where I was going to say that " my name is David and I'm looking for Shulamis ."The first person I saw that very day sitting next to me on the EL Al flight asked me my name and I said "I'm David,and I'm looking for Shulamit..." her eyes opened widely and she replied that "I am Mrs. Feldman,and I own the Hotel Shulamit in Haifa!" I can't wait until you give over something beautiful about the geulah having already arrived.

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Yossi Paltiel

  • January 6, 2015
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  • 15 Tevet 5775
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Dedicated by THE CHANIN FUND

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