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Psychoanalysis and the Torah

Discover Your Hidden Agendas But Don't Despair

51 min

Class Summary:

Eliezer was sent by Abraham to Charan (modern day north-Syria) to bring back a wife for his only son Isaac. In this monumental marriage, the first Jewish shidduch, the entire Jewish future lay. Eliezer is given only one requirement: The girl must be a relative of Abraham. It is here that Eliezer is torn, because he too has a daughter, and as Abraham’s faithful and devoted servant, he can dream of nothing greater than Isaac becoming his son-in-law.

But Eliezer is not a relative of Abraham; on the contrary he is a descendant of Canaan, the son that Noah who was cursed. However hope is not lost. Abraham tells Eliezer that if the girl in Charan refuses to return to Israel, the condition is off, he is not responsible to fulfill his oath and bring a girl from Charan."

Thus, it is with mixed emotions that Eliezer embarks on his mission. His profound devotion to Abraham wants him to succeed, but his own selfish hopes for his daughter undermine his mission. Yet, unlike Lot, Eliezer overcomes his inner inhibitions and succeeds in the mission placed upon him. Whereas Lot became paralyzed and had to be dragged out of Sodom, Eliezer smoothly and confidently succeeds remarkably well. It is clear that unlike Lot, Eliezer has resolved his own ambivalence and overcame his inner inhibitions. How?

We learned last week about the ambivalence and deep psychological conflict expressed by the cantorial shalsheles note. There is a shalsheles in Vayeira, and now there is another one in Chayei Sarah. In Vayeira, the torn character, the owner of the shalsheles, was Lot, in Chayei Sarah it is Eliezer, the servant of Abraham.

A powerful Chassidic insight teaches us the key to this type of self-transcendence. It also allows us to discover the patterns of psychoanalysis so prevalent in the book of Genesis.

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  • IG

    Itche Gordon -2 years ago

    Ish vs Eved

    "vehoish meshtoe" 

    in posuk 21, 26, 29, 32  Eliezer referred to as "Ish", then it goes back to calling him "Eved"

    could u elaborate on that

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  • SM

    Sara Metzger -4 years ago

    It's amazing how Torah keeps getting better and better all the time. There's always a new aspect about it that I'm learning. Thoings I never thought about. Psychoanalisis in Torah. Yes of course it would in Torah. The layers and plots and sub plots in the Eliezar story and the explanations of how he thought, didn't think, didn't know he was thinking, realized what he was thinking is so true of our human experiences. I can so relate. I think we've all gone through this. Thank you as always for your ability to get the message through to me. 

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  • A

    Abbe -6 years ago

    יהי כנען עבד למו

    Wonderful Shiur Rabbi Jacobson, as usual.

    How ironic, that the very trait that Avraham Avinu invoked as the reason why Eliezer's daughter could not mary Yitzchok Avinu, was the very trait that the Torah emphasizes is Eliezer's eternal crowning achievment!

    Eliezer was ablle to take the curse and turn it into a great and beautiful blessing.

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  • Anonymous -6 years ago

    Shiur Chaye Soroh


    Excellent as usual, thanks so much! 

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  • R

    Rachel -10 years ago

    This helped me very much. Fantastic delivery as well. Thank you.

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Chayei Sarah Class

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • December 18, 2013
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  • 15 Tevet 5774
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Dedicated by David and Eda Schottenstein in the loving memory of Alta Shula Swerdlov And in the merit of Yetta Alta Shula, "Aliya," Schottenstein

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