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An Ode to the Ego

Torah Or Megilas Esther Maamar Vayikach Haman -- Part One:You Can’t Start Serving G-d If You Don’t Believe In Yourself

1 hr 15 min

Class Summary:

An Ode to the Ego -- Torah Or Megilas Esther Maamar Vayikach Haman. Part One: You Can’t Start Serving G-d If You Don’t Believe In Yourself

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  • Y

    yossi -11 years ago


    And what does it mean that G-d is our king imagines you assemble 1,000,000 aunts and declare yourself king over them. When 50,000 of them then turn left instead of right, you kill them in a single instance. Does that make you king over them? G-d gave us our entire existence; our entire being and life force are from Him. Relative to Him we are far smaller and far less significant than an aunt in the presence of a human. Can He then said to be our king? Is that not an insult for Him? Aunt: Noun: The sister of one’s father or mother or the wife of one’s uncle.

    An unrelated older woman friend, esp. of a child.

    Ant: Noun:

    A small insect (family Formicidae, order Hymenoptera), often with a sting, that usually lives in a complex social colony with one or many.

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  • S

    Shmueli -11 years ago

    It was better as AUNTS.

    The fact is that Ants do not have a King. Only a Queen.

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  • P

    PK -11 years ago


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  • Z

    Z -11 years ago

    nice article, as always. 

    Typo, 100000 AUNTS should read ANTS. 

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  • RAS

    R&#39 Avi Shlomo -13 years ago

    To Shimon:

    Interesting point. An eight of an eigth, 'shmini shebishminis' is one 64th.

    To Devora Reizel:

    I think it is your internet connection. Try on the lower quality bandwidth, or call your internet company and complain. If that doesn't work, then download the MP3, but keep posting your comments!

    To Sara:

    1) The point of the Maamar is exactly that. Avraham was so high and lofty that just like before G-d, darkness and light are equal, also Avraham was as compassionate and kind and 'gave' and 'tolerated' a Yishmael. True, Hashem dwells in a revealed way only on that what is botul to Him, but He also creates klipa which is not, although not in a way of 'dwelling' but in a way of 'exile.'

    2)True, Hashem creates Kelipah to be elevated, but only in the world of the 'ego' is klipa a contradiction and therefore destroyed and negated and thereby elevated. In the lofty aloofness that precedes ego, ego doesn't bother Him, as the spider in the Kings throne-room.

    3)Good question.

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Yossi Paltiel

  • March 1, 2011
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  • 25 Adar I 5771
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Dedicated by THE CHANIN FUND In honor of the birth of a daughter Blumato Menachem Mendel and Chana Chanin

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