Havayeh Elokeinu - our strength and life is beyond nature, and
Havayeh Echad - Havayeh is One
I think I understand that we derived from Kedusha so we are beyound nature, but how does it connects to "Havayeg is One"?
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Anonymous -13 years ago
Re: Sh'ma Answer: What the Alter Rebbe is saying is that Yidden’s being higher than nature is affective in the whole world not only on some mystical plain. That’s what Havaya Echod means- the whole wotld is part of His unity.
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Kayo Kaneko -13 years ago
Re: Re:Terminology B"H
Not just a Hebrew or Yiddish word, I sometimes can not follow anecdotes you tell us. Those anecdotes of a Chassidim or a Rebbe are so precious. Please tell us those pearls of Chabad Chassidus in the way even a beginer like me can understand, and so that we can fully appreciate your classes.
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Anonymous -13 years ago
Re: Re:Terminology Answer: I’ll try to be more sensitive in the future
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Kayo Kaneko -13 years ago
Vahavta B"H
When I recite Shema, I think HaShem is commanding us to love Him because it is good for us. Is it a correct meditation of Shema?
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Anonymous -13 years ago
Re: Vahavta Answer: There are different levels of people. A purest would not invent his own meditation but take it from a sefer of Mussar or Chassidus (if not from the Chazal directly).
But for many, if the meditation isn’t personal it isn’t honest and spiritually useful. On this level, there are as many meditations on Shema as there are people and situations. The same person on different occasions may have different sentiments about the Shema from one day to another.
I think that for us, the only meditation that’s wrong is a dispassionate or empty one. You will yourself deepen your relationship with your Creator, and choose (perhaps) on a later time to use a more altruistic meditation for the Shema. If this is what you’re holding by now and this works for you this is the legitimate and correct one for now.
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Kayo -13 years ago
Terminology B"H
Basic question: 1. What is "Neshias"? 2. What is "anonishi Malkah"?
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Anonymous -13 years ago
Re: Terminology Answer: This is happens when I’m not careful to translate every word. When I give these classes I periodically throw in words and thoughts for the more initiated. In other words my audience is diverse. Some of the students are former Yeshiva Bochurim who have much more background and knowledge and I’ll sometimes (sort of) say something and not explain it hoping they’ll remember it from their Yeshiva days. You picked up on two such comments and good for you.
Nesius, means leadership of a Tzadik or Rebbe.
Ana nosiv Malak is an allusion to a Maamar of the Rebbe where he talks about the idea of wanting G-d and G-d alone and not being lured into settling for divine light or other spiritual ideas and levels. Literally Ana means I Nasiv means I’ll host (have as my guest) Malka means the King as opposed to any officer or minister.
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Peretz -13 years ago
maamar “Shma Yisroel” BH
Rabbi Paltiel, thanks so much for your classes,
here's a thought about the words "michalkel chaim" being mentioned in the maamar “Shma Yisroel”. perhaps it's there because of what he stated right before "ATAh" , that the "alef" to "tav" are all the alef beis that are the keilim of creation, alef to tav expressed by the hey.
ata, michal-"keil" as in keilim of the constant creation,through the alef beis the Alef to Tav, "michalkel chaim"
Just a thought.
thank you very much
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Anonymous -13 years ago
Re: maamar “Shma Yisroel” Answer: The word Michalkel means to provide [as in the word Kalkala]; and it also means to give us according to our Keilim, and perhaps also that he also gives us the Keilim necessary to receive the blessings He gives us. The connection to Ata I don’t understand.
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Kayo, Tokyo -13 years ago
This is quote from Hayom Yom
one of the Alter Rebbe's early teachings:
Sh'ma - a Jew senses that
Havayeh Elokeinu - our strength and life is beyond nature, and
Havayeh Echad - Havayeh is One
I think I understand that we derived from Kedusha so we are beyound nature, but how does it connects to "Havayeg is One"?
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Anonymous -13 years ago
Re: Sh'ma
Answer: What the Alter Rebbe is saying is that Yidden’s being higher than nature is affective in the whole world not only on some mystical plain. That’s what Havaya Echod means- the whole wotld is part of His unity.
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Kayo Kaneko -13 years ago
Re: Re:Terminology
Not just a Hebrew or Yiddish word, I sometimes can not follow anecdotes you tell us. Those anecdotes of a Chassidim or a Rebbe are so precious. Please tell us those pearls of Chabad Chassidus in the way even a beginer like me can understand, and so that we can fully appreciate your classes.
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Anonymous -13 years ago
Re: Re:Terminology
Answer: I’ll try to be more sensitive in the future
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Kayo Kaneko -13 years ago
When I recite Shema, I think HaShem is commanding us to love Him because it is good for us. Is it a correct meditation of Shema?
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Anonymous -13 years ago
Re: Vahavta
Answer: There are different levels of people. A purest would not invent his own meditation but take it from a sefer of Mussar or Chassidus (if not from the Chazal directly).
But for many, if the meditation isn’t personal it isn’t honest and spiritually useful. On this level, there are as many meditations on Shema as there are people and situations. The same person on different occasions may have different sentiments about the Shema from one day to another.
I think that for us, the only meditation that’s wrong is a dispassionate or empty one. You will yourself deepen your relationship with your Creator, and choose (perhaps) on a later time to use a more altruistic meditation for the Shema. If this is what you’re holding by now and this works for you this is the legitimate and correct one for now.
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Kayo -13 years ago
Basic question: 1. What is "Neshias"? 2. What is "anonishi Malkah"?
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Anonymous -13 years ago
Re: Terminology
Answer: This is happens when I’m not careful to translate every word. When I give these classes I periodically throw in words and thoughts for the more initiated. In other words my audience is diverse. Some of the students are former Yeshiva Bochurim who have much more background and knowledge and I’ll sometimes (sort of) say something and not explain it hoping they’ll remember it from their Yeshiva days. You picked up on two such comments and good for you.
Nesius, means leadership of a Tzadik or Rebbe.
Ana nosiv Malak is an allusion to a Maamar of the Rebbe where he talks about the idea of wanting G-d and G-d alone and not being lured into settling for divine light or other spiritual ideas and levels. Literally Ana means I Nasiv means I’ll host (have as my guest) Malka means the King as opposed to any officer or minister.
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Peretz -13 years ago
maamar “Shma Yisroel”
Rabbi Paltiel, thanks so much for your classes,
here's a thought about the words "michalkel chaim" being mentioned in the maamar “Shma Yisroel”. perhaps it's there because of what he stated right before "ATAh" , that the "alef" to "tav" are all the alef beis that are the keilim of creation, alef to tav expressed by the hey.
ata, michal-"keil" as in keilim of the constant creation,through the alef beis the Alef to Tav, "michalkel chaim"
Just a thought.
thank you very much
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Anonymous -13 years ago
Re: maamar “Shma Yisroel”
Answer: The word Michalkel means to provide [as in the word Kalkala]; and it also means to give us according to our Keilim, and perhaps also that he also gives us the Keilim necessary to receive the blessings He gives us. The connection to Ata I don’t understand.
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