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The Laws of ‘Squeezing’ On Shabbos -- Part 2

Can I Prepare Freshly Squeezed Orange Juice or Lemonade?

48 min

Class Summary:

Can I Prepare Freshly Squeezed Orange Juice or Lemonade?

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  • I

    Isaac -12 years ago

    Juice in salad?
    Rabbi Winberg shlita,

    If I squeeze juice fruit into a fruit salad, to enhance the salad, now juice is left over on the bottom of the salad, may I drink it as a liquid?

    What if my intention when squeezing the fruit into the salad was that in addition to enhancing the food, some will be left over and I will drink it afterward? Is that forbidden?

    Please advise on both questions.

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  • M

    Michale -12 years ago

    Some questions
    Hello, Rabbi,

    I have also some questions:

    1/ Squeezing ketchup from a bottle on some food is admissible?

    2/ Piece of lemon put in a cup, and on the top of it put sugar. Wait some time to lemon juice to be absorbed by sugar. Then add tea water.

    3/ Drink from bottle any liquid where need to use some power to move liquid from the bottle because the hole is small (looks like as squeezing).

    4/ When we cut half soar pickles to put into a salad, some juice from them will be out to a surface. What we can do with this juice – though out to sink?

    Thank you.

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  • Y

    Yossel -12 years ago

    Ketchup and Toothpaste?
    1) How aboue squeezing out toothpaste on Shabbos? Is that a problem?

    2) How about squeezing out ketchup from the battle? On one hand, in both of these cases the item being squeezed out was not located in its natural source and is thus not being extracted from its source?

    3) How about apple sause from a plastic batle when you need to squeeze it out?

    4) Yogurt? Again when you need to squeeze it out, because there is very little left, so you squeze the battle to get it all out?

    Rabbi, please reply and explain.

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  • Y

    Yosef -12 years ago

    Sucking Sugar Cubes

    בהשיעור נאמר, שלמצוץ קוביות סוכר באמצע שתיית תה יש בו חשש מלאכה, אבל אם אוחז הקוביה בפיו והתה רק עובר על ידו, אין כאן שאלה כלל, כיון שזהו דרך אכילתו.

    לא הבנתי, למה זקוק הרב להביאור שזהו דרך אכילתו, הרי אפילו אם אינו דרך אכילתו, אין כאן מציצה, שהרי הוא לא מוצץ את הקוביה של סוכר, אלא התה עובר על ידו, ומהי לכתחילה השאלה?

    גם, אולי יואיל לבאר על פי חסידות מהו ענין המציצה בברית מילה? מהי הסיבה בפנימיות הענינים למנהג המציצה.

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  • I

    Isaac -12 years ago

    What is the source for your explanation why squezing is not done on Shabbos, because on Shabbos we do not ned to extract our inner juices through the paina nd agony of squeezing?

    Thanks very much for the informative and inspirting classes. I never learnt Halacha like this. I appreciate it very much.

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    • RLW

      R. Levy Wineberg -12 years ago

      Re: Source?

      Torah Ohr Parshas Va'era beginning of dibbur hamaschil va'era about the general idea. I connected it to issur sechitah.

      Thanks for your positive feedback. LW

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