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Freud & The Baal Shem Tov: The Holiness in Addiction

A Two-Rung Approach to Addictive, Dysfunctional, and Distracting Thoughts

2 hr 10 min

Class Summary:

“And a man who takes his sister… and he sees her nakedness… it is a chesed, kind act, and they shall be cut off…” the Torah states in Kedoshim, in Leviticus 20. This is beyond strange. Incest is a kind act?! 

Rabbi Yisroel Baal Shem Tov (1698-1760), the founder of Chassidus, revealed the “unconscious” dimension of Judaism, conferring upon it a new depth and sophistication. One of his most fundamental teachings was that G-d was not a force above the world controlling it, but rather G-d is the very truth and essence of Reality. Therefore, in every thought there was meaning, in every experience—joy, in every encounter—Divine energy. You can find G-d in all.

This class takes us on a journey into one of the Baal Shem Tov’s teachings on how to deal with alien and destructive thoughts that inundate us during prayer and meditation. 150 years before the birth of psychoanalysis, the Baal Shem Tov taught us how the external manifestation of a thought may eclipse its inner meaning, how the egg may contain live chick. Every thought needs healing and sublimation. Yet there are exceptions. To be able to perceive in the spirituality in your addiction, you must be free from its toxic entanglement.

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  • P

    P.L. -8 months ago

    Filling the void

    Your class changed my life. I feel like I have been searching for love all my life- and felt that void so deep... I'm so happy to have chanced upon this. Wow, what a transformative concept, to reach out for the source, the infinite love.

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  • Anonymous -9 months ago

    Thank you!!

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  • SW

    Sara Weiner -9 months ago

    Bought me to tears

    Thank you Rabbi Jacobson,

    Yesterday I davened to Hashem to help me with addictive thoughts, and today He directed me to your amazing class. When I heard the part about finding the holy spark in the thoughts, I was bought to tears. Amazing class!!

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  • CL

    Chaya Leiter -2 years ago

    Wow! This class finally gave me a real break through about all the confusion in the world today around forbidden intimacy!!!! So freeing!

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  • SPF

    Shaul Pablo Fel -8 years ago

    Powerful class

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Class Kedoshim

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • May 8, 2016
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  • 30 Nisan 5776
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Leilu Nishmat Reb Eliyahu Tzion ben Reb Chananya Niasoff ז"ל
In honor of his yartzeit, 27 Nissan

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