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Saving a Limb on Shabbos -- Part 5

Can One Violate Shabbos to Rescue a Limb?

55 min

Class Summary:

Saving a Limb on Shabbos -- Part 5 - Can One Violate Shabbos to Rescue a Limb?

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  • DB

    Dovid Benveniste,tsfat -12 years ago

    So you're saying

    that chassidus is sort of like halacha combined with a sensitivity training class?? Shabbat Shalom,Chodesh Tov!

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  • RLW

    Rabbi L. Wineberg -12 years ago

    Dear Clarification:

    It is a generally accepted convention to call the gedolei yisroel from the Tur onward "achronim". See Rabbi Matis Kantor's thorough study of the matter.

    However you classify the RaDBaZ, "Al haRishonim v'al ho'Achronim tovim dovor tov v'kayyom... "

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  • A

    avraham -12 years ago

    to clarify Radvaz was the third generation of acharonim contemporary of R Ovadia  from Bertinoro.

    And R Yosef karo and Arizal were  contemporary  and "fourth" generation of acharonim

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  • C

    clarification -12 years ago

    Rav Wineberg Shlita

    You mentioned inlast shiur that the RaDbaZ was an achroin.    It would seem he would be considered from the chroinei harishoinim as he was a genaration before the arizal.   Please advise

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  • H

    Hi -12 years ago

    I miss the seforim in the background.  Hopefuly we will have that back :)    Loving the shiurim

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    • RLW

      Rabbi L. Wineberg -12 years ago

      Re: .
      Thank you for the feedback. Iy"H the seforim will be there.

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