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The Secret Of Kol Nidrei: You're An Eagle, Not A Chicken

"Did Your Soul Travel So Many Miles to Fix Buttons?"

1 hr 15 min

Class Summary:

This lecture was presented by Rabbi YY Jacobson, at Torah Ohr Community Center, Great Neck, NY, on Motzaei Shabbs Shuvah, 6 Tishrei, 5779, September 8, 2018, pre-midnight Selichos.

Please leave your comment below!

  • AH

    ALizah Hochstead -5 years ago

    Good SHiur

    Thank you Jay for dedicating this. Lets have a shiur here in Beitar.

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  • J

    Jeff -5 years ago

    Very inspiring.

    Very inspiring. 


    The point made at the end is so important. 

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Great Neck Yom Kippur Lecture

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • September 16, 2018
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  • 7 Tishrei 5779
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Dedicated by Jay Stillman, in memory of Avraham Aaron ben Yehudah Leib

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