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The Teshuvah of Our Generation

My Greatest Sin Is Not Believing How Good I Am

1 hr 18 min

Class Summary:

This weekly women's class was presented on Tuesday Parshas Ha'azinu, 8 Tishrei, 5781, September 14, 2021, live at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.


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  • M

    Miri -10 months ago

    Shalom Rabi YY,i really enjoy your shiurin,and the way you share with your heart,i do agree with the lady that ask a question on the yom l=kipur prayers,i am nothing closed of being a malach,but i really do my best to work on my middoth to help people etc,for sure i make lots of mistakes,that its part of being human but i dont understand why do i need to confess so many times about my sins

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  • A

    Adina -2 years ago

    Please post the text of Rav Kuk's vidui list, thank you 

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    • CL

      Chaim Levitin -2 years ago


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      • A

        Adina -2 years ago

        thank you

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  • AH

    Alizah Hochstead -2 years ago

    Listening erev YK from Israel

    Several (more than several times) I have asked forgiveness, only to be turned away, this SHiur gives the tools to go on. Thank you

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    • R

      RLR -2 years ago

      That's Inspiring makes me Really want to hear it!! Yes even now!

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  • L

    Leah -2 years ago

    Beautiful, thank you.

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  • Anonymous -2 years ago

    Thank you so much Rabbi Jacobson! your words were a real balm for my soul as i have been on a journey of coming to love myself and see my innate goodness for many years. Finally i have begun really believing it and seeing how much Hashem truly loves me. this is just what i needed to hear on erev yom kippur and i feel it is Hashgocha protis that i found your shiur tonight BH.

    I have always struggled on YK to feel bad about my aveirus. i think my arrogance was coming from a place of insecurity and a belief that i had to do it all. now i have been learning that actually i need Hashem to help me become a real believer and truster in Him and that i can't rely on myself only. since i have realised this i have seen that my thinking that i didn't need to do teshuva because i had been trying so hard was actually coming from a place of not trusting in Hashem and trying to do it all myself. for this i feel remorse.

    however for the rest of my many aveirus, i acknowledge and know that i have done wrong and i didnt intentionally want to do anything to 'upset' my Creator but i don't feel bad about them. 

    do i need to work on that? it's very hard for me as i feel that what i need to work on is being easier on myself and kinder, not harder.

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Yom Kippur Women's Class

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • September 14, 2021
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  • 8 Tishrei 5782
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Dedicated by Donna Amira in memory of my beloved parents and grandparents: Gabriel & Selma Amira, Nissim & Suzanne Amira, Samuel H. & Dona Baruch, and for a refuah sheleima and shidduch for Donna bat Selma

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