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As You Let Go of Your Numbing Distractions, You Face Your Essence

Only when I Abstain and Withdraw, Can I Touch the Divine Essence Hidden In the Cosmos

44 min

Class Summary:

This class was presented on Thursday Parshas Yisro, 18 Shevat, 5780, February 13, 2020 at the Ohr Chaim Shul, Monsey, NY 

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  • Anonymous -4 years ago

    If the Yidden were on the 49th level of tumah and hallalu ovdey avodah etc. what was the sur mera?

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    Moshe -4 years ago

    Both Yakov and Yosef were left alone and encountered malachim

    Yakov crossed the  river  in  order to  get  some small jars, leaving his  family  behind. Gashmius. He was alone.  He encountered a malevolent malach, Esav's malach.who wanted to  do him harm.  And did. 

    Yosef, ironically his son, was alone when went on  a shlichus for his father. The mitzvah of  kibud av. He, too encountered a  malach, Gavriel who.was benevolent. And who helped him..

    Is there a  connection.between the purpose of  the  travel and the results? 

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    Moshe -4 years ago



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    Rochella -4 years ago

    the Tzimtzum

    I loved what you said that when a person has to say no to their arousals for Ra, evil, I have to condense and withdraw and this creates the same zimzum above.
    "Sur merah" must go to a much deeper place than "aseh Tov"....
    The glory is usually found much more when we create than when we abstain.
    When we abstain there is silence. My own individual silence of tremendous pain. If I don’t eat the cheesecake, nothing really happened I just didn’t eat the cheesecake. No feedback.... But if I bake a cheesecake, lots of feedback.
    And it’s in that trust that I’m able to let go and embrace the new....
    Allow so much of Divinity and Godliness to fill my life now and from a perspective of a loving relationship.
    Chassides is therapy to help me restore and heal from all the crazy insane old relationship I had with all those abusive and traumatic gods....
    Perhaps that what AA is about: To validate and create those meetings with lots of feedback and connections in order to make up for the zimzum process one has to go through in order to become clean and that is perhaps what helps people out of their addiction. Because perhaps this might be the hardest part in the battle from addictive behavior. (That zimzum). We are suppose to live without addiction and destructive habits. Who claps for me for not being a drug addict?
    We feel alone in this most difficult and challenging moments of combatting our inner demons and no one even knows that WW2 is happening in the midst of our inner world. Because we are in a process of disconnect from raha. We fear disconnecting, it’s always a process of pain and loss.
    But when I do an ase toiv I’m really connecting and becoming more engage with me and the world.
    Mizvah ase you CONNECT to.
    Lo sase you DISCONNECT from. 

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Chassidus: Torah Or Beshalach Vayaar Yisroel #5

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • February 13, 2020
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  • 18 Sh'vat 5780
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