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Coronavirus: A Jewish Perspective

Is the Virus a Punishment? Should We Panic?

22 min

Class Summary:

On Friday, March 13, 2020, Rabbi YY Jacobson was interviewed on the Detroit radio show "The Jewish Hour", by Hershel Finman.

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  • CG

    Chaya Gross -4 years ago

    No prophet either...but...

    Am writing from Jerusalem and it seems

    so odd to me that nobody yet amongst 

    Jewish leaders in the Diaspora are talking

    about returning from the four corners of the 

    earth to the “Promised Land”! Is it not yet 

    clear that the messianic era is in full swing

    or are they still waiting for Moshiach to say

    let’s go. Need an Aminadav...

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    • ME

      Meir Eichenstein -4 years ago

      So, it's in full swing. Indeed, nearly 30 years ago the Rebbe invoked the Yalkut Shimoni (Isaiah:499) to prophecize to us that that year, 1991, "The year Moshiach is first revealed ...", had brought us across the threshold into the Era of Redemption.

      We all see that more and more with significant events occurring since then that point to the above fact that Geulah is building momentum. We saw miracles occurred with every war Israel fought (or didn't fight, as in the Persin Gulf War); We saw that when Trump won a miraculous triumph, a real Purim miracle, where a turnaround happened in a matter of hours, that upset a miserable Jewish-Israel forecast based on Hillary's impending win, who'd follow in the footsteps of the previous evil administration's steps, where, instead of Arab influence inside the White House, we now have benevolence projected upon the Jewish world; We see it too in the technology that developed in the last 20 years which gives every individual across the whole globe access to the news in the palm of his hand; And now we see it with the Chinese virus where the whole world is experiencing an upheaval in social living by what? By something invisible -- a very fitting paradigm because God is invisible, as a prelude to prepare us for an even greater universal phenomenon, to one that'll be embraced by all of humanity, none withstanding; Where without even leaving your home to buy a newspaper you'll discover about the Third Temple first appearing in חוץ לארץ and when the Moshiach's revelation will be cast upon all of us.

      But the way, how Moshiach's arrival is meant to occur, as hinted above, is not how you picture it. The Rebbe tells us, as he understands the Rambam in fact, is that certain aspects of the final stages of that utopic era will actually begin from חוץ לארץ! To share the final days of Geulah, I don't have to go to Israel for that to happen; I can first share it right here in the diaspora, as could the millions of others Jews worldwide. Just save me a front row seat! 

      You say you're not a prophet ... but - at least know what the most recent prophet, the Rebbe, says about the Era of Redemption. The Rebbe's words will soothe your concern, besides giving you a new, delightful perspective worthy of your study. It'll also prepare you if only to know the qualifications that must be met by Moshiach by which for you to identify him, as per the qualifications listed in the Rambam.

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  • Anonymous -4 years ago

    Thank you so much

    may you be gebentched always

    most especially in our present challenge

    that holds the potential for the greatest revealed good ever

    helping to tap the most innermost core in each one of us

    chazak v’amatz 

    chana Schmukler

    an avid participant

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  • S

    Stuart -4 years ago

    thank you for the chizuk

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  • R

    Rachele -4 years ago

    Interesting what’s happening: back to basics. The weddings and simchois were becoming outrages, everybody was outdoing the previous simche. Now we are back to no cost simchois. Without 10000’s of people like in a market place. Now just immediate family can join the simchois, how nice and intimate.
    Kids were left by babysitters, for long hours in school because Mom was out in the world...
    All the kids are being reunited with their family ( yes sometimes it’s worse). We are all back home...no longer kidnapped by the world...
    We have to face the truth of what it’s like to be a family again....for better or for worse....
    And connect to the only force we can rely and count on Our Father in Heaven...

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  • A

    Aron -4 years ago

    Thanks for the chizuk on the current situation. I knew I could rely on you you to say the right words.

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Radio Interview with Rabbi YY Jacobson

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • March 13, 2020
  • |
  • 17 Adar 5780
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