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Transform Fear Into Empowerment

Faith, Tears and Hope During the Coronavirus

1 hr 6 min

Depiction in a Haggadah published before the War in Vienna. From left to right: Reb Akiva Eiger, the Chasam Sofer, the Kesav Sofer, and the Shevet Sofer

Class Summary:

The current Covid-19 crisis has made many of us feel deeply vulnerable and feaful. Yet, every crisis comes with opportunity. How can we prepare for the Festival of Freedom amid such pain, tragedy and anxiety?

Join Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak (YY) Jacobson for a transformative lecture. Learn how to turn fear into strength and vulnerbility into empowerment.

This live lecture was presented on Sunday, 11 Nissan, 5780, April 5, 2020, hosted by chabad.org

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  • SL

    s Leviton -3 years ago

    Shalom Rabbi,

    I agree with the others that you are an excellent and inspiring teacher. So much so that I want to hear more and more of your shiurim.


    1) Your talks are not well focused. For example, your current shiur is about overcoming fear, yet 28 minutes into the shiur you have yet to broach the topic.

    My time is limited. Could you please focus.

    2) Although speakers use more words than do writer's to convey the same thought, I think your talk could use editing down for in your wordiness you lose my attention as a listener.

    Respectfully given,

    Stuart Leviton

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  • HZ

    HILLEL ZENTMAN -4 years ago

    Your amazing!

    Pure Gadlus!

    Thank you

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  • M

    mark -4 years ago

    I heard you last night and thought that perhaps the reason that the Rebbe made his Seder alone was to personally remember the experience of Moshe Rabbainu who on that first Seder night probably did the same. 
    Applying the general idea that I wrote up in Hebrew that on Pesach we are personally remembering what we each personally experienced in Yetziat Mityaim seems intuitive in retrospect. That the Rebbe had his Seder alone so that he would experience the Seder of Moshe Rabbeinu makes much sense to me. The Rebbe properly viewed himself, like Moshe,  as the leader of a generation on the eve of redemption and I can’t image Moshe having a Seder with anyone else. There can be only one seat in the cockpit. While his Rebbetzin was alive there was another seat next to him for the copilot but when she passed away the Rebbe properly felt that he was left alone to fly the plane. In no case do you invite the rest of the crew or the passengers to sit with you when you have that unique responsibility. 
    Chag Sameach. 

    Mark Rutenberg PhD, MSEE

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  • MZ

    Mendel Zilberberg -4 years ago

    Thank You for the Timely Pesach - Corona Lecture

    Thank you for the woderful Shiur.  We are experiencing an era where the health challenges and dangers leave the government, science, and the people we would normally seek advice from, utterly clueless. The vacuum of silent or flailing leadership is startling.

    We are rapidly realizing who is in charge - that the Almighty can redircet a microscopic microbe and the mightiest of goverments and the most powerful of people are literally and figuratively brought to their knees.

    The obvious knee jerk reaction is either to combat this issue through denial (which unfortunately has proven to be lethal ) or to despair.

    Your lecture  suggests that we move beyond the knee jerk reactions and recognize that once we come to real terms with the fact that that the Almighty is (for reasons we don't understand) the force that is showing us that just one microbe can change the world we can channel our energy and leverage it as an opportunity for personal growth. 

    To be sure, rechanneling that energy takes the ability to confront our personal challenges head on, to recognize that oftentimes it is neccesary to see the positive where those around us are consumed by, or singularly focused on the negative, but it can be done and in fact may be a central theme of Pesach, ther Seder and the Haggadah.

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  • A

    Aron -4 years ago

    Just saying!

    You are amazing!
    Thank you for everything!!
    Kosher in freilichn pesach
    Stay safe and healthy!!!

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Coronavirus Perspectives/Passover Inspiration

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • April 5, 2020
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  • 11 Nisan 5780
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