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Rambam Hilchos Yesodei HaTorah Chapter 6

Thursday, 10:00am EST, Jul 23, 2 Av

32 min

Class Summary:

This class, in Rambam the Laws of Yesodei HaTorah, chapter six, was presented on Thursday Parshas Devarim, 2 Av, 5780, July 23, 2020, streaming live from Rabbi Jacobson's House in Monsey, NY

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  • Y

    yossi -3 years ago

    Last night I heard YY shiur 

    It was amazing I enjoyed it immensely 

    I couldn't understand the inyan of tvila in mikva with a shaimos on one body without his explanation 

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  • R

    ruth -3 years ago

    Re Hilchos Yesodai HaTorah chapter 6
    Re the shaila of the tattoo of shem HKBH eg on a person's arm and later on they became  frum :
    1.  Would they be allowed bind tefillin on top of this ? Else how would they put on Tefillin directly on their arm ? Unless use the other arm?
    2.  Re mikva , I assume for both a man or a woman they would loosly bind a covering over it ?

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  • Anonymous -3 years ago

    Why does the Rambam bring the Halacha (7) that it is prohibited to remove a stone from the mizbeach here. This halacha pertains more to Hilchos Beis Habechira where he speaks of the Mizbeach etc.?

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  • A

    Alberto -4 years ago

    What is de Halaja to erase an email with H name?,or erasing a voice note with H name?

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  • Anonymous -4 years ago

    Could you quote the source of the one who asked the question of why it is in yesodey hatorah

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Rambam Mishneh Torah

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • July 23, 2020
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  • 2 Av 5780
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Dedicated by Rabbi Yosef Silverman, in memory of Noson Yaacov ben Shemaya HaLevi

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